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// Copyright (c) 2014-2017, The Monero Project
2016-10-10 16:41:24 -04:00
// All rights reserved.
2016-10-10 16:41:24 -04:00
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are
// permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
2016-10-10 16:41:24 -04:00
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
// conditions and the following disclaimer.
2016-10-10 16:41:24 -04:00
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list
// of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
// materials provided with the distribution.
2016-10-10 16:41:24 -04:00
// 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be
// used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
// prior written permission.
2016-10-10 16:41:24 -04:00
// Parts of this file are originally copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Cryptonote developers
#include "string_tools.h"
#include "common/password.h"
#include "common/scoped_message_writer.h"
#include "daemon/rpc_command_executor.h"
#include "rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h"
#include "cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.h"
#include "cryptonote_basic/hardfork.h"
#include <boost/format.hpp>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
Change logging to easylogging++ This replaces the epee and data_loggers logging systems with a single one, and also adds filename:line and explicit severity levels. Categories may be defined, and logging severity set by category (or set of categories). epee style 0-4 log level maps to a sensible severity configuration. Log files now also rotate when reaching 100 MB. To select which logs to output, use the MONERO_LOGS environment variable, with a comma separated list of categories (globs are supported), with their requested severity level after a colon. If a log matches more than one such setting, the last one in the configuration string applies. A few examples: This one is (mostly) silent, only outputting fatal errors: MONERO_LOGS=*:FATAL This one is very verbose: MONERO_LOGS=*:TRACE This one is totally silent (logwise): MONERO_LOGS="" This one outputs all errors and warnings, except for the "verify" category, which prints just fatal errors (the verify category is used for logs about incoming transactions and blocks, and it is expected that some/many will fail to verify, hence we don't want the spam): MONERO_LOGS=*:WARNING,verify:FATAL Log levels are, in decreasing order of priority: FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE Subcategories may be added using prefixes and globs. This example will output net.p2p logs at the TRACE level, but all other net* logs only at INFO: MONERO_LOGS=*:ERROR,net*:INFO,net.p2p:TRACE Logs which are intended for the user (which Monero was using a lot through epee, but really isn't a nice way to go things) should use the "global" category. There are a few helper macros for using this category, eg: MGINFO("this shows up by default") or MGINFO_RED("this is red"), to try to keep a similar look and feel for now. Existing epee log macros still exist, and map to the new log levels, but since they're used as a "user facing" UI element as much as a logging system, they often don't map well to log severities (ie, a log level 0 log may be an error, or may be something we want the user to see, such as an important info). In those cases, I tried to use the new macros. In other cases, I left the existing macros in. When modifying logs, it is probably best to switch to the new macros with explicit levels. The --log-level options and set_log commands now also accept category settings, in addition to the epee style log levels.
2017-01-01 16:34:23 +00:00
namespace daemonize {
namespace {
void print_peer(std::string const & prefix, cryptonote::peer const & peer)
time_t now;
time_t last_seen = static_cast<time_t>(peer.last_seen);
std::string id_str;
std::string port_str;
std::string elapsed = epee::misc_utils::get_time_interval_string(now - last_seen);
std::string ip_str = epee::string_tools::get_ip_string_from_int32(peer.ip);
std::stringstream peer_id_str;
peer_id_str << std::hex << std::setw(16) <<;
peer_id_str >> id_str;
epee::string_tools::xtype_to_string(peer.port, port_str);
std::string addr_str = ip_str + ":" + port_str;
tools::msg_writer() << boost::format("%-10s %-25s %-25s %s") % prefix % id_str % addr_str % elapsed;
void print_block_header(cryptonote::block_header_response const & header)
<< "timestamp: " << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(header.timestamp) << std::endl
<< "previous hash: " << header.prev_hash << std::endl
<< "nonce: " << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(header.nonce) << std::endl
<< "is orphan: " << header.orphan_status << std::endl
<< "height: " << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(header.height) << std::endl
<< "depth: " << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(header.depth) << std::endl
<< "hash: " << header.hash << std::endl
<< "difficulty: " << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(header.difficulty) << std::endl
<< "reward: " << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(header.reward);
std::string get_human_time_ago(time_t t, time_t now)
if (t == now)
return "now";
time_t dt = t > now ? t - now : now - t;
std::string s;
if (dt < 90)
s = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(dt) + " seconds";
else if (dt < 90 * 60)
s = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(dt/60) + " minutes";
else if (dt < 36 * 3600)
s = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(dt/3600) + " hours";
s = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(dt/(3600*24)) + " days";
return s + " " + (t > now ? "in the future" : "ago");
2017-06-02 03:30:26 +01:00
std::string get_time_hms(time_t t)
unsigned int hours, minutes, seconds;
char buffer[24];
hours = t / 3600;
t %= 3600;
minutes = t / 60;
t %= 60;
seconds = t;
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%02u:%02u:%02u", hours, minutes, seconds);
return std::string(buffer);
std::string make_error(const std::string &base, const std::string &status)
if (status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
return base;
return base + " -- " + status;
uint32_t ip
, uint16_t port
, const boost::optional<tools::login>& login
, bool is_rpc
, cryptonote::core_rpc_server* rpc_server
: m_rpc_client(NULL), m_rpc_server(rpc_server)
if (is_rpc)
boost::optional<epee::net_utils::http::login> http_login{};
if (login)
http_login.emplace(login->username, login->password.password());
m_rpc_client = new tools::t_rpc_client(ip, port, std::move(http_login));
if (rpc_server == NULL)
throw std::runtime_error("If not calling commands via RPC, rpc_server pointer must be non-null");
m_is_rpc = is_rpc;
if (m_rpc_client != NULL)
delete m_rpc_client;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_peer_list() {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_PEER_LIST::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_PEER_LIST::response res;
std::string failure_message = "Couldn't retrieve peer list";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/get_peer_list", failure_message.c_str()))
return false;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_peer_list(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << failure_message;
return false;
for (auto & peer : res.white_list)
print_peer("white", peer);
for (auto & peer : res.gray_list)
print_peer("gray", peer);
return true;
2017-02-23 18:20:17 +01:00
bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_peer_list_stats() {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_PEER_LIST::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_PEER_LIST::response res;
std::string failure_message = "Couldn't retrieve peer list";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/get_peer_list", failure_message.c_str()))
return false;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_peer_list(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << failure_message;
return false;
<< "White list size: " << res.white_list.size() << "/" << P2P_LOCAL_WHITE_PEERLIST_LIMIT << " (" << res.white_list.size() * 100.0 / P2P_LOCAL_WHITE_PEERLIST_LIMIT << "%)" << std::endl
<< "Gray list size: " << res.gray_list.size() << "/" << P2P_LOCAL_GRAY_PEERLIST_LIMIT << " (" << res.gray_list.size() * 100.0 / P2P_LOCAL_GRAY_PEERLIST_LIMIT << "%)";
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::save_blockchain() {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SAVE_BC::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SAVE_BC::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Couldn't save blockchain";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/save_bc", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_save_bc(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
tools::success_msg_writer() << "Blockchain saved";
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::show_hash_rate() {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SET_LOG_HASH_RATE::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SET_LOG_HASH_RATE::response res;
req.visible = true;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/set_log_hash_rate", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_set_log_hash_rate(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
tools::success_msg_writer() << "Hash rate logging is on";
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::hide_hash_rate() {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SET_LOG_HASH_RATE::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SET_LOG_HASH_RATE::response res;
req.visible = false;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/set_log_hash_rate", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_set_log_hash_rate(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
tools::success_msg_writer() << "Hash rate logging is off";
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::show_difficulty() {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_INFO::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_INFO::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Problem fetching info";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/getinfo", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_info(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message.c_str(), res.status);
return true;
tools::success_msg_writer() << "BH: " << res.height
<< ", TH: " << res.top_block_hash
<< ", DIFF: " << res.difficulty
<< ", HR: " << res.difficulty / << " H/s";
return true;
static std::string get_mining_speed(uint64_t hr)
if (hr>1e9) return (boost::format("%.2f GH/s") % (hr/1e9)).str();
if (hr>1e6) return (boost::format("%.2f MH/s") % (hr/1e6)).str();
if (hr>1e3) return (boost::format("%.2f kH/s") % (hr/1e3)).str();
return (boost::format("%.0f H/s") % hr).str();
2016-08-12 19:19:25 +01:00
static std::string get_fork_extra_info(uint64_t t, uint64_t now, uint64_t block_time)
uint64_t blocks_per_day = 86400 / block_time;
if (t == now)
return " (forking now)";
if (t > now)
uint64_t dblocks = t - now;
if (dblocks <= 30)
return (boost::format(" (next fork in %u blocks)") % (unsigned)dblocks).str();
if (dblocks <= blocks_per_day / 2)
return (boost::format(" (next fork in %.1f hours)") % (dblocks / (float)(blocks_per_day / 24))).str();
if (dblocks <= blocks_per_day * 30)
return (boost::format(" (next fork in %.1f days)") % (dblocks / (float)blocks_per_day)).str();
return "";
return "";
static float get_sync_percentage(const cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_INFO::response &ires)
uint64_t height = ires.height;
uint64_t target_height = ires.target_height ? ires.target_height < ires.height ? ires.height : ires.target_height : ires.height;
float pc = 100.0f * height / target_height;
if (height < target_height && pc > 99.9f)
return 99.9f; // to avoid 100% when not fully synced
return pc;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::show_status() {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_INFO::request ireq;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_INFO::response ires;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_HARD_FORK_INFO::request hfreq;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_HARD_FORK_INFO::response hfres;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_MINING_STATUS::request mreq;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_MINING_STATUS::response mres;
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
bool has_mining_info = true;
std::string fail_message = "Problem fetching info";
hfreq.version = 0;
bool mining_busy = false;
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(ireq, ires, "/getinfo", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(hfreq, hfres, "hard_fork_info", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
// mining info is only available non unrestricted RPC mode
has_mining_info = m_rpc_client->rpc_request(mreq, mres, "/mining_status", fail_message.c_str());
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_info(ireq, ires) || ires.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, ires.status);
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_hard_fork_info(hfreq, hfres, error_resp) || hfres.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, hfres.status);
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_mining_status(mreq, mres))
tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str();
return true;
if (mres.status == CORE_RPC_STATUS_BUSY)
mining_busy = true;
else if (mres.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, mres.status);
return true;
std::time_t uptime = std::time(nullptr) - ires.start_time;
uint64_t net_height = ires.target_height > ires.height ? ires.target_height : ires.height;
2017-02-04 22:24:36 +00:00
tools::success_msg_writer() << boost::format("Height: %llu/%llu (%.1f%%) on %s, %s, net hash %s, v%u%s, %s, %u(out)+%u(in) connections, uptime %ud %uh %um %us")
% (unsigned long long)ires.height
% (unsigned long long)net_height
% get_sync_percentage(ires)
% (ires.testnet ? "testnet" : "mainnet")
% (!has_mining_info ? "mining info unavailable" : mining_busy ? "syncing" : ? ( ( mres.is_background_mining_enabled ? "smart " : "" ) + std::string("mining at ") + get_mining_speed(mres.speed) ) : "not mining")
% get_mining_speed(ires.difficulty /
% (unsigned)hfres.version
% get_fork_extra_info(hfres.earliest_height, net_height,
% (hfres.state == cryptonote::HardFork::Ready ? "up to date" : hfres.state == cryptonote::HardFork::UpdateNeeded ? "update needed" : "out of date, likely forked")
% (unsigned)ires.outgoing_connections_count
% (unsigned)ires.incoming_connections_count
% (unsigned int)floor(uptime / 60.0 / 60.0 / 24.0)
2017-02-02 22:05:31 +01:00
% (unsigned int)floor(fmod((uptime / 60.0 / 60.0), 24.0))
% (unsigned int)floor(fmod((uptime / 60.0), 60.0))
% (unsigned int)fmod(uptime, 60.0)
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_connections() {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_CONNECTIONS::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_CONNECTIONS::response res;
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "get_connections", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_connections(req, res, error_resp) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
tools::msg_writer() << std::setw(30) << std::left << "Remote Host"
<< std::setw(20) << "Peer id"
<< std::setw(20) << "Support Flags"
<< std::setw(30) << "Recv/Sent (inactive,sec)"
<< std::setw(25) << "State"
<< std::setw(20) << "Livetime(sec)"
<< std::setw(12) << "Down (kB/s)"
<< std::setw(14) << "Down(now)"
2016-10-10 16:41:24 -04:00
<< std::setw(10) << "Up (kB/s)"
<< std::setw(13) << "Up(now)"
<< std::endl;
for (auto & info : res.connections)
std::string address = info.incoming ? "INC " : "OUT ";
address += info.ip + ":" + info.port;
//std::string in_out = info.incoming ? "INC " : "OUT ";
2016-10-10 16:41:24 -04:00
//<< std::setw(30) << std::left << in_out
<< std::setw(30) << std::left << address
<< std::setw(20) << epee::string_tools::pad_string(info.peer_id, 16, '0', true)
<< std::setw(20) << info.support_flags
<< std::setw(30) << std::to_string(info.recv_count) + "(" + std::to_string(info.recv_idle_time) + ")/" + std::to_string(info.send_count) + "(" + std::to_string(info.send_idle_time) + ")"
<< std::setw(25) << info.state
<< std::setw(20) << info.live_time
<< std::setw(12) << info.avg_download
<< std::setw(14) << info.current_download
<< std::setw(10) << info.avg_upload
<< std::setw(13) << info.current_upload
2016-10-10 16:41:24 -04:00
<< std::left << (info.localhost ? "[LOCALHOST]" : "")
<< std::left << (info.local_ip ? "[LAN]" : "");
//tools::msg_writer() << boost::format("%-25s peer_id: %-25s %s") % address % info.peer_id % in_out;
2016-10-10 16:41:24 -04:00
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_blockchain_info(uint64_t start_block_index, uint64_t end_block_index) {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK_HEADERS_RANGE::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK_HEADERS_RANGE::response res;
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
req.start_height = start_block_index;
req.end_height = end_block_index;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "getblockheadersrange", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_block_headers_range(req, res, error_resp) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
bool first = true;
for (auto & header : res.headers)
if (!first)
std::cout << std::endl;
<< "height: " << header.height << ", timestamp: " << header.timestamp << ", difficulty: " << header.difficulty
<< ", size: " << header.block_size << std::endl
<< "major version: " << (unsigned)header.major_version << ", minor version: " << (unsigned)header.minor_version << std::endl
<< "block id: " << header.hash << ", previous block id: " << header.prev_hash << std::endl
<< "difficulty: " << header.difficulty << ", nonce " << header.nonce << ", reward " << cryptonote::print_money(header.reward) << std::endl;
first = false;
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::set_log_level(int8_t level) {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SET_LOG_LEVEL::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SET_LOG_LEVEL::response res;
req.level = level;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/set_log_level", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_set_log_level(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
tools::success_msg_writer() << "Log level is now " << std::to_string(level);
return true;
Change logging to easylogging++ This replaces the epee and data_loggers logging systems with a single one, and also adds filename:line and explicit severity levels. Categories may be defined, and logging severity set by category (or set of categories). epee style 0-4 log level maps to a sensible severity configuration. Log files now also rotate when reaching 100 MB. To select which logs to output, use the MONERO_LOGS environment variable, with a comma separated list of categories (globs are supported), with their requested severity level after a colon. If a log matches more than one such setting, the last one in the configuration string applies. A few examples: This one is (mostly) silent, only outputting fatal errors: MONERO_LOGS=*:FATAL This one is very verbose: MONERO_LOGS=*:TRACE This one is totally silent (logwise): MONERO_LOGS="" This one outputs all errors and warnings, except for the "verify" category, which prints just fatal errors (the verify category is used for logs about incoming transactions and blocks, and it is expected that some/many will fail to verify, hence we don't want the spam): MONERO_LOGS=*:WARNING,verify:FATAL Log levels are, in decreasing order of priority: FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE Subcategories may be added using prefixes and globs. This example will output net.p2p logs at the TRACE level, but all other net* logs only at INFO: MONERO_LOGS=*:ERROR,net*:INFO,net.p2p:TRACE Logs which are intended for the user (which Monero was using a lot through epee, but really isn't a nice way to go things) should use the "global" category. There are a few helper macros for using this category, eg: MGINFO("this shows up by default") or MGINFO_RED("this is red"), to try to keep a similar look and feel for now. Existing epee log macros still exist, and map to the new log levels, but since they're used as a "user facing" UI element as much as a logging system, they often don't map well to log severities (ie, a log level 0 log may be an error, or may be something we want the user to see, such as an important info). In those cases, I tried to use the new macros. In other cases, I left the existing macros in. When modifying logs, it is probably best to switch to the new macros with explicit levels. The --log-level options and set_log commands now also accept category settings, in addition to the epee style log levels.
2017-01-01 16:34:23 +00:00
bool t_rpc_command_executor::set_log_categories(const std::string &categories) {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SET_LOG_CATEGORIES::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SET_LOG_CATEGORIES::response res;
req.categories = categories;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/set_log_categories", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_set_log_categories(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
Change logging to easylogging++ This replaces the epee and data_loggers logging systems with a single one, and also adds filename:line and explicit severity levels. Categories may be defined, and logging severity set by category (or set of categories). epee style 0-4 log level maps to a sensible severity configuration. Log files now also rotate when reaching 100 MB. To select which logs to output, use the MONERO_LOGS environment variable, with a comma separated list of categories (globs are supported), with their requested severity level after a colon. If a log matches more than one such setting, the last one in the configuration string applies. A few examples: This one is (mostly) silent, only outputting fatal errors: MONERO_LOGS=*:FATAL This one is very verbose: MONERO_LOGS=*:TRACE This one is totally silent (logwise): MONERO_LOGS="" This one outputs all errors and warnings, except for the "verify" category, which prints just fatal errors (the verify category is used for logs about incoming transactions and blocks, and it is expected that some/many will fail to verify, hence we don't want the spam): MONERO_LOGS=*:WARNING,verify:FATAL Log levels are, in decreasing order of priority: FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE Subcategories may be added using prefixes and globs. This example will output net.p2p logs at the TRACE level, but all other net* logs only at INFO: MONERO_LOGS=*:ERROR,net*:INFO,net.p2p:TRACE Logs which are intended for the user (which Monero was using a lot through epee, but really isn't a nice way to go things) should use the "global" category. There are a few helper macros for using this category, eg: MGINFO("this shows up by default") or MGINFO_RED("this is red"), to try to keep a similar look and feel for now. Existing epee log macros still exist, and map to the new log levels, but since they're used as a "user facing" UI element as much as a logging system, they often don't map well to log severities (ie, a log level 0 log may be an error, or may be something we want the user to see, such as an important info). In those cases, I tried to use the new macros. In other cases, I left the existing macros in. When modifying logs, it is probably best to switch to the new macros with explicit levels. The --log-level options and set_log commands now also accept category settings, in addition to the epee style log levels.
2017-01-01 16:34:23 +00:00
return true;
tools::success_msg_writer() << "Log categories are now " << res.categories;
Change logging to easylogging++ This replaces the epee and data_loggers logging systems with a single one, and also adds filename:line and explicit severity levels. Categories may be defined, and logging severity set by category (or set of categories). epee style 0-4 log level maps to a sensible severity configuration. Log files now also rotate when reaching 100 MB. To select which logs to output, use the MONERO_LOGS environment variable, with a comma separated list of categories (globs are supported), with their requested severity level after a colon. If a log matches more than one such setting, the last one in the configuration string applies. A few examples: This one is (mostly) silent, only outputting fatal errors: MONERO_LOGS=*:FATAL This one is very verbose: MONERO_LOGS=*:TRACE This one is totally silent (logwise): MONERO_LOGS="" This one outputs all errors and warnings, except for the "verify" category, which prints just fatal errors (the verify category is used for logs about incoming transactions and blocks, and it is expected that some/many will fail to verify, hence we don't want the spam): MONERO_LOGS=*:WARNING,verify:FATAL Log levels are, in decreasing order of priority: FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE Subcategories may be added using prefixes and globs. This example will output net.p2p logs at the TRACE level, but all other net* logs only at INFO: MONERO_LOGS=*:ERROR,net*:INFO,net.p2p:TRACE Logs which are intended for the user (which Monero was using a lot through epee, but really isn't a nice way to go things) should use the "global" category. There are a few helper macros for using this category, eg: MGINFO("this shows up by default") or MGINFO_RED("this is red"), to try to keep a similar look and feel for now. Existing epee log macros still exist, and map to the new log levels, but since they're used as a "user facing" UI element as much as a logging system, they often don't map well to log severities (ie, a log level 0 log may be an error, or may be something we want the user to see, such as an important info). In those cases, I tried to use the new macros. In other cases, I left the existing macros in. When modifying logs, it is probably best to switch to the new macros with explicit levels. The --log-level options and set_log commands now also accept category settings, in addition to the epee style log levels.
2017-01-01 16:34:23 +00:00
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_height() {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_HEIGHT::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_HEIGHT::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/getheight", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_height(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
tools::success_msg_writer() << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(res.height);
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_block_by_hash(crypto::hash block_hash) {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK::response res;
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
req.hash = epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(block_hash);
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "getblock", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_block(req, res, error_resp) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
tools::success_msg_writer() << res.json << ENDL;
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_block_by_height(uint64_t height) {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK::response res;
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
req.height = height;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "getblock", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_block(req, res, error_resp) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
tools::success_msg_writer() << res.json << ENDL;
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_transaction(crypto::hash transaction_hash,
bool include_hex,
bool include_json) {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Problem fetching transaction";
req.decode_as_json = false;
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/gettransactions", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_transactions(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
if (1 == res.txs.size() || 1 == res.txs_as_hex.size())
if (1 == res.txs.size())
// only available for new style answers
if (res.txs.front().in_pool)
tools::success_msg_writer() << "Found in pool";
tools::success_msg_writer() << "Found in blockchain at height " << res.txs.front().block_height;
const std::string &as_hex = (1 == res.txs.size()) ? res.txs.front().as_hex : res.txs_as_hex.front();
// Print raw hex if requested
if (include_hex)
tools::success_msg_writer() << as_hex << std::endl;
// Print json if requested
if (include_json)
crypto::hash tx_hash, tx_prefix_hash;
cryptonote::transaction tx;
cryptonote::blobdata blob;
if (!string_tools::parse_hexstr_to_binbuff(as_hex, blob))
tools::fail_msg_writer() << "Failed to parse tx to get json format";
else if (!cryptonote::parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(blob, tx, tx_hash, tx_prefix_hash))
tools::fail_msg_writer() << "Failed to parse tx blob to get json format";
tools::success_msg_writer() << cryptonote::obj_to_json_str(tx) << std::endl;
tools::fail_msg_writer() << "Transaction wasn't found: " << transaction_hash << std::endl;
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::is_key_image_spent(const crypto::key_image &ki) {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_IS_KEY_IMAGE_SPENT::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_IS_KEY_IMAGE_SPENT::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Problem checking key image";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/is_key_image_spent", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_is_key_image_spent(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
if (1 == res.spent_status.size())
// first as hex
tools::success_msg_writer() << ki << ": " << (res.spent_status.front() ? "spent" : "unspent") << (res.spent_status.front() == cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_IS_KEY_IMAGE_SPENT::SPENT_IN_POOL ? " (in pool)" : "");
tools::fail_msg_writer() << "key image status could not be determined" << std::endl;
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_transaction_pool_long() {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTION_POOL::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTION_POOL::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Problem fetching transaction pool";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/get_transaction_pool", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_transaction_pool(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
if (res.transactions.empty() && res.spent_key_images.empty())
tools::msg_writer() << "Pool is empty" << std::endl;
if (! res.transactions.empty())
const time_t now = time(NULL);
tools::msg_writer() << "Transactions: ";
for (auto & tx_info : res.transactions)
tools::msg_writer() << "id: " << tx_info.id_hash << std::endl
<< tx_info.tx_json << std::endl
<< "blob_size: " << tx_info.blob_size << std::endl
<< "fee: " << cryptonote::print_money(tx_info.fee) << std::endl
<< "fee/byte: " << cryptonote::print_money(tx_info.fee / (double)tx_info.blob_size) << std::endl
<< "receive_time: " << tx_info.receive_time << " (" << get_human_time_ago(tx_info.receive_time, now) << ")" << std::endl
<< "relayed: " << [&](const cryptonote::tx_info &tx_info)->std::string { if (!tx_info.relayed) return "no"; return boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(tx_info.last_relayed_time) + " (" + get_human_time_ago(tx_info.last_relayed_time, now) + ")"; } (tx_info) << std::endl
<< "do_not_relay: " << (tx_info.do_not_relay ? 'T' : 'F') << std::endl
<< "kept_by_block: " << (tx_info.kept_by_block ? 'T' : 'F') << std::endl
<< "max_used_block_height: " << tx_info.max_used_block_height << std::endl
<< "max_used_block_id: " << tx_info.max_used_block_id_hash << std::endl
<< "last_failed_height: " << tx_info.last_failed_height << std::endl
<< "last_failed_id: " << tx_info.last_failed_id_hash << std::endl;
if (res.spent_key_images.empty())
tools::msg_writer() << "WARNING: Inconsistent pool state - no spent key images";
if (! res.spent_key_images.empty())
tools::msg_writer() << ""; // one newline
tools::msg_writer() << "Spent key images: ";
for (const cryptonote::spent_key_image_info& kinfo : res.spent_key_images)
tools::msg_writer() << "key image: " << kinfo.id_hash;
if (kinfo.txs_hashes.size() == 1)
tools::msg_writer() << " tx: " << kinfo.txs_hashes[0];
else if (kinfo.txs_hashes.size() == 0)
tools::msg_writer() << " WARNING: spent key image has no txs associated";
tools::msg_writer() << " NOTE: key image for multiple txs: " << kinfo.txs_hashes.size();
for (const std::string& tx_id : kinfo.txs_hashes)
tools::msg_writer() << " tx: " << tx_id;
if (res.transactions.empty())
tools::msg_writer() << "WARNING: Inconsistent pool state - no transactions";
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_transaction_pool_short() {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTION_POOL::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTION_POOL::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Problem fetching transaction pool";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/get_transaction_pool", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_transaction_pool(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
if (res.transactions.empty())
tools::msg_writer() << "Pool is empty" << std::endl;
const time_t now = time(NULL);
for (auto & tx_info : res.transactions)
tools::msg_writer() << "id: " << tx_info.id_hash << std::endl
<< "blob_size: " << tx_info.blob_size << std::endl
<< "fee: " << cryptonote::print_money(tx_info.fee) << std::endl
<< "fee/byte: " << cryptonote::print_money(tx_info.fee / (double)tx_info.blob_size) << std::endl
<< "receive_time: " << tx_info.receive_time << " (" << get_human_time_ago(tx_info.receive_time, now) << ")" << std::endl
<< "relayed: " << [&](const cryptonote::tx_info &tx_info)->std::string { if (!tx_info.relayed) return "no"; return boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(tx_info.last_relayed_time) + " (" + get_human_time_ago(tx_info.last_relayed_time, now) + ")"; } (tx_info) << std::endl
<< "do_not_relay: " << (tx_info.do_not_relay ? 'T' : 'F') << std::endl
<< "kept_by_block: " << (tx_info.kept_by_block ? 'T' : 'F') << std::endl
<< "max_used_block_height: " << tx_info.max_used_block_height << std::endl
<< "max_used_block_id: " << tx_info.max_used_block_id_hash << std::endl
<< "last_failed_height: " << tx_info.last_failed_height << std::endl
<< "last_failed_id: " << tx_info.last_failed_id_hash << std::endl;
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_transaction_pool_stats() {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_INFO::request ireq;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_INFO::response ires;
std::string fail_message = "Problem fetching transaction pool stats";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/get_transaction_pool_stats", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(ireq, ires, "/getinfo", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
memset(&res.pool_stats, 0, sizeof(res.pool_stats));
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_transaction_pool_stats(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_info(ireq, ires) || ires.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, ires.status);
return true;
size_t n_transactions = res.pool_stats.txs_total;
const uint64_t now = time(NULL);
size_t avg_bytes = n_transactions ? res.pool_stats.bytes_total / n_transactions : 0;
std::string backlog_message;
const uint64_t full_reward_zone = ires.block_size_limit / 2;
if (res.pool_stats.bytes_total <= full_reward_zone)
backlog_message = "no backlog";
uint64_t backlog = (res.pool_stats.bytes_total + full_reward_zone - 1) / full_reward_zone;
backlog_message = (boost::format("estimated %u block (%u minutes) backlog") % backlog % (backlog * DIFFICULTY_TARGET_V2 / 60)).str();
tools::msg_writer() << n_transactions << " tx(es), " << res.pool_stats.bytes_total << " bytes total (min " << res.pool_stats.bytes_min << ", max " << res.pool_stats.bytes_max << ", avg " << avg_bytes << ", median " << res.pool_stats.bytes_med << ")" << std::endl
<< "fees " << cryptonote::print_money(res.pool_stats.fee_total) << " (avg " << cryptonote::print_money(n_transactions ? res.pool_stats.fee_total / n_transactions : 0) << " per tx" << ", " << cryptonote::print_money(res.pool_stats.bytes_total ? res.pool_stats.fee_total / res.pool_stats.bytes_total : 0) << " per byte)" << std::endl
<< res.pool_stats.num_not_relayed << " not relayed, " << res.pool_stats.num_failing << " failing, " << res.pool_stats.num_10m << " older than 10 minutes (oldest " << (res.pool_stats.oldest == 0 ? "-" : get_human_time_ago(res.pool_stats.oldest, now)) << "), " << backlog_message;
2017-06-02 03:30:26 +01:00
if (n_transactions > 1 && res.pool_stats.histo.size())
std::vector<uint64_t> times;
uint64_t numer;
size_t i, n = res.pool_stats.histo.size(), denom;
if (res.pool_stats.histo_98pc)
numer = res.pool_stats.histo_98pc;
denom = n-1;
for (i=0; i<denom; i++)
times[i] = i * numer / denom;
times[i] = now - res.pool_stats.oldest;
2017-06-02 03:30:26 +01:00
} else
numer = now - res.pool_stats.oldest;
denom = n;
for (i=0; i<denom; i++)
times[i] = i * numer / denom;
tools::msg_writer() << " Age Txes Bytes";
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
tools::msg_writer() << get_time_hms(times[i]) << setw(8) << res.pool_stats.histo[i].txs << setw(12) << res.pool_stats.histo[i].bytes;
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::start_mining(cryptonote::account_public_address address, uint64_t num_threads, bool testnet, bool do_background_mining, bool ignore_battery) {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_START_MINING::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_START_MINING::response res;
2017-02-19 11:42:10 +09:00
req.miner_address = cryptonote::get_account_address_as_str(testnet, false, address);
req.threads_count = num_threads;
req.do_background_mining = do_background_mining;
req.ignore_battery = ignore_battery;
std::string fail_message = "Mining did not start";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/start_mining", fail_message.c_str()))
tools::success_msg_writer() << "Mining started";
if (!m_rpc_server->on_start_mining(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::stop_mining() {
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_STOP_MINING::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_STOP_MINING::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Mining did not stop";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/stop_mining", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_stop_mining(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
tools::success_msg_writer() << "Mining stopped";
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::stop_daemon()
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_STOP_DAEMON::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_STOP_DAEMON::response res;
//# ifdef WIN32
// // Stop via service API
// // TODO - this is only temporary! Get rid of hard-coded constants!
// bool ok = windows::stop_service("BitMonero Daemon");
// ok = windows::uninstall_service("BitMonero Daemon");
// //bool ok = windows::stop_service(SERVICE_NAME);
// //ok = windows::uninstall_service(SERVICE_NAME);
// if (ok)
// {
// return true;
// }
//# endif
// Stop via RPC
std::string fail_message = "Daemon did not stop";
if (m_is_rpc)
if(!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/stop_daemon", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_stop_daemon(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
tools::success_msg_writer() << "Stop signal sent";
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_status()
if (!m_is_rpc)
tools::success_msg_writer() << "print_status makes no sense in interactive mode";
return true;
bool daemon_is_alive = m_rpc_client->check_connection();
if(daemon_is_alive) {
tools::success_msg_writer() << "monerod is running";
else {
tools::fail_msg_writer() << "monerod is NOT running";
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::get_limit()
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_LIMIT::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_LIMIT::response res;
std::string failure_message = "Couldn't get limit";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/get_limit", failure_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_limit(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(failure_message, res.status);
return true;
tools::msg_writer() << "limit-down is " << res.limit_down/1024 << " kB/s";
tools::msg_writer() << "limit-up is " << res.limit_up/1024 << " kB/s";
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::set_limit(int64_t limit_down, int64_t limit_up)
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SET_LIMIT::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SET_LIMIT::response res;
req.limit_down = limit_down;
req.limit_up = limit_up;
std::string failure_message = "Couldn't set limit";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/set_limit", failure_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_set_limit(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(failure_message, res.status);
return true;
tools::msg_writer() << "Set limit-down to " << res.limit_down/1024 << " kB/s";
tools::msg_writer() << "Set limit-up to " << res.limit_up/1024 << " kB/s";
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::get_limit_up()
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_LIMIT::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_LIMIT::response res;
std::string failure_message = "Couldn't get limit";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/get_limit", failure_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_limit(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(failure_message, res.status);
return true;
tools::msg_writer() << "limit-up is " << res.limit_up/1024 << " kB/s";
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::get_limit_down()
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_LIMIT::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_LIMIT::response res;
std::string failure_message = "Couldn't get limit";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/get_limit", failure_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_limit(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(failure_message, res.status);
return true;
tools::msg_writer() << "limit-down is " << res.limit_down/1024 << " kB/s";
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::out_peers(uint64_t limit)
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_OUT_PEERS::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_OUT_PEERS::response res;
2016-10-10 16:41:24 -04:00
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
req.out_peers = limit;
2016-10-10 16:41:24 -04:00
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "out_peers", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_out_peers(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
std::cout << "Max number of out peers set to " << limit << std::endl;
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::start_save_graph()
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_START_SAVE_GRAPH::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_START_SAVE_GRAPH::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
2016-10-10 16:41:24 -04:00
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/start_save_graph", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
2016-10-10 16:41:24 -04:00
if (!m_rpc_server->on_start_save_graph(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
2016-10-10 16:41:24 -04:00
tools::success_msg_writer() << "Saving graph is now on";
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::stop_save_graph()
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_STOP_SAVE_GRAPH::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_STOP_SAVE_GRAPH::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
2016-10-10 16:41:24 -04:00
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/stop_save_graph", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
2016-10-10 16:41:24 -04:00
if (!m_rpc_server->on_stop_save_graph(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
tools::success_msg_writer() << "Saving graph is now off";
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::hard_fork_info(uint8_t version)
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_HARD_FORK_INFO::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_HARD_FORK_INFO::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
req.version = version;
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "hard_fork_info", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_hard_fork_info(req, res, error_resp) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
version = version > 0 ? version :;
tools::msg_writer() << "version " << (uint32_t)version << " " << (res.enabled ? "enabled" : "not enabled") <<
", " << res.votes << "/" << res.window << " votes, threshold " << res.threshold;
tools::msg_writer() << "current version " << (uint32_t)res.version << ", voting for version " << (uint32_t);
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_bans()
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GETBANS::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GETBANS::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "get_bans", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_bans(req, res, error_resp) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
for (auto i = res.bans.begin(); i != res.bans.end(); ++i)
tools::msg_writer() << epee::string_tools::get_ip_string_from_int32(i->ip) << " banned for " << i->seconds << " seconds";
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::ban(const std::string &ip, time_t seconds)
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SETBANS::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SETBANS::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SETBANS::ban ban;
if (!epee::string_tools::get_ip_int32_from_string(ban.ip, ip))
tools::fail_msg_writer() << "Invalid IP";
return true;
ban.ban = true;
ban.seconds = seconds;
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "set_bans", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_set_bans(req, res, error_resp) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::unban(const std::string &ip)
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SETBANS::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SETBANS::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SETBANS::ban ban;
if (!epee::string_tools::get_ip_int32_from_string(ban.ip, ip))
tools::fail_msg_writer() << "Invalid IP";
return true;
ban.ban = false;
ban.seconds = 0;
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "set_bans", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_set_bans(req, res, error_resp) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::flush_txpool(const std::string &txid)
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_FLUSH_TRANSACTION_POOL::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_FLUSH_TRANSACTION_POOL::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
if (!txid.empty())
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "flush_txpool", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_flush_txpool(req, res, error_resp) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
tools::success_msg_writer() << "Pool successfully flushed";
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::output_histogram(const std::vector<uint64_t> &amounts, uint64_t min_count, uint64_t max_count)
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUT_HISTOGRAM::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUT_HISTOGRAM::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
req.amounts = amounts;
req.min_count = min_count;
req.max_count = max_count;
req.unlocked = false;
req.recent_cutoff = 0;
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "get_output_histogram", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_output_histogram(req, res, error_resp) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
std::sort(res.histogram.begin(), res.histogram.end(),
[](const cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUT_HISTOGRAM::entry &e1, const cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_OUTPUT_HISTOGRAM::entry &e2)->bool { return e1.total_instances < e2.total_instances; });
for (const auto &e: res.histogram)
tools::msg_writer() << e.total_instances << " " << cryptonote::print_money(e.amount);
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_coinbase_tx_sum(uint64_t height, uint64_t count)
2016-10-10 15:45:51 -04:00
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_COINBASE_TX_SUM::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_COINBASE_TX_SUM::response res;
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
req.height = height;
req.count = count;
2016-10-10 15:45:51 -04:00
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "get_coinbase_tx_sum", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_coinbase_tx_sum(req, res, error_resp) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
2016-10-10 15:45:51 -04:00
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
2016-10-10 15:45:51 -04:00
return true;
tools::msg_writer() << "Sum of coinbase transactions between block heights ["
<< height << ", " << (height + count) << ") is "
<< cryptonote::print_money(res.emission_amount + res.fee_amount) << " "
<< "consisting of " << cryptonote::print_money(res.emission_amount)
<< " in emissions, and " << cryptonote::print_money(res.fee_amount) << " in fees";
2016-10-10 15:45:51 -04:00
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::alt_chain_info()
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_INFO::request ireq;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_INFO::response ires;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_ALTERNATE_CHAINS::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_ALTERNATE_CHAINS::response res;
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(ireq, ires, "/getinfo", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "get_alternate_chains", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_info(ireq, ires) || ires.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, ires.status);
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_alternate_chains(req, res, error_resp))
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
tools::msg_writer() << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(res.chains.size()) << " alternate chains found:";
for (const auto chain: res.chains)
uint64_t start_height = (chain.height - chain.length + 1);
tools::msg_writer() << chain.length << " blocks long, from height " << start_height << " (" << (ires.height - start_height - 1)
<< " deep), diff " << chain.difficulty << ": " << chain.block_hash;
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_blockchain_dynamic_stats(uint64_t nblocks)
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_INFO::request ireq;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_INFO::response ires;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK_HEADERS_RANGE::request bhreq;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK_HEADERS_RANGE::response bhres;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_PER_KB_FEE_ESTIMATE::request fereq;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_PER_KB_FEE_ESTIMATE::response feres;
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
std::string fail_message = "Problem fetching info";
fereq.grace_blocks = 0;
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(ireq, ires, "/getinfo", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
2017-02-26 23:12:55 +00:00
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(fereq, feres, "get_fee_estimate", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_info(ireq, ires) || ires.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, ires.status);
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_per_kb_fee_estimate(fereq, feres, error_resp) || feres.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, feres.status);
return true;
tools::msg_writer() << "Height: " << ires.height << ", diff " << ires.difficulty << ", cum. diff " << ires.cumulative_difficulty
<< ", target " << << " sec" << ", dyn fee " << cryptonote::print_money(feres.fee) << "/kB";
if (nblocks > 0)
if (nblocks > ires.height)
nblocks = ires.height;
bhreq.start_height = ires.height - nblocks;
bhreq.end_height = ires.height - 1;
if (m_is_rpc)
2017-02-26 23:12:55 +00:00
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(bhreq, bhres, "getblockheadersrange", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_block_headers_range(bhreq, bhres, error_resp) || bhres.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, bhres.status);
return true;
double avgdiff = 0;
double avgnumtxes = 0;
double avgreward = 0;
std::vector<uint64_t> sizes;
uint64_t earliest = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(), latest = 0;
std::vector<unsigned> major_versions(256, 0), minor_versions(256, 0);
for (const auto &bhr: bhres.headers)
avgdiff += bhr.difficulty;
avgnumtxes += bhr.num_txes;
avgreward += bhr.reward;
static_assert(sizeof(bhr.major_version) == 1, "major_version expected to be uint8_t");
static_assert(sizeof(bhr.minor_version) == 1, "major_version expected to be uint8_t");
earliest = std::min(earliest, bhr.timestamp);
latest = std::max(latest, bhr.timestamp);
avgdiff /= nblocks;
avgnumtxes /= nblocks;
avgreward /= nblocks;
uint64_t median_block_size = epee::misc_utils::median(sizes);
tools::msg_writer() << "Last " << nblocks << ": avg. diff " << (uint64_t)avgdiff << ", " << (latest - earliest) / nblocks << " avg sec/block, avg num txes " << avgnumtxes
<< ", avg. reward " << cryptonote::print_money(avgreward) << ", median block size " << median_block_size;
unsigned int max_major = 256, max_minor = 256;
while (max_major > 0 && !major_versions[--max_major]);
while (max_minor > 0 && !minor_versions[--max_minor]);
std::string s = "";
for (unsigned n = 0; n <= max_major; ++n)
if (major_versions[n])
s += (s.empty() ? "" : ", ") + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(major_versions[n]) + std::string(" v") + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(n);
tools::msg_writer() << "Block versions: " << s;
s = "";
for (unsigned n = 0; n <= max_minor; ++n)
if (minor_versions[n])
s += (s.empty() ? "" : ", ") + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(minor_versions[n]) + std::string(" v") + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(n);
tools::msg_writer() << "Voting for: " << s;
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::update(const std::string &command)
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_UPDATE::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_UPDATE::response res;
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
std::string fail_message = "Problem fetching info";
req.command = command;
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/update", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_update(req, res) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
if (!res.update)
tools::msg_writer() << "No update available";
return true;
tools::msg_writer() << "Update available: v" << res.version << ": " << res.user_uri << ", hash " << res.hash;
if (command == "check")
return true;
if (!res.path.empty())
tools::msg_writer() << "Update downloaded to: " << res.path;
tools::msg_writer() << "Update download failed: " << res.status;
if (command == "download")
return true;
tools::msg_writer() << "'update' not implemented yet";
return true;
2017-04-02 12:17:35 +01:00
bool t_rpc_command_executor::relay_tx(const std::string &txid)
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_RELAY_TX::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_RELAY_TX::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "relay_tx", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_relay_tx(req, res, error_resp) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
tools::success_msg_writer() << "Transaction successfully relayed";
2017-04-02 12:17:35 +01:00
return true;
bool t_rpc_command_executor::sync_info()
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SYNC_INFO::request req;
cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SYNC_INFO::response res;
std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful";
epee::json_rpc::error error_resp;
if (m_is_rpc)
if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "sync_info", fail_message.c_str()))
return true;
if (!m_rpc_server->on_sync_info(req, res, error_resp) || res.status != CORE_RPC_STATUS_OK)
tools::fail_msg_writer() << make_error(fail_message, res.status);
return true;
uint64_t target = res.target_height < res.height ? res.height : res.target_height;
tools::success_msg_writer() << "Height: " << res.height << ", target: " << target << " (" << (100.0 * res.height / target) << "%)";
uint64_t current_download = 0;
for (const auto &p: res.peers)
current_download +=;
tools::success_msg_writer() << "Downloading at " << current_download << " kB/s";
tools::success_msg_writer() << std::to_string(res.peers.size()) << " peers";
for (const auto &p: res.peers)
std::string address = epee::string_tools::pad_string(, 24);
uint64_t nblocks = 0, size = 0;
for (const auto &s: res.spans)
if (s.rate > 0.0f && s.connection_id ==
nblocks += s.nblocks, size += s.size;
tools::success_msg_writer() << address << " " << epee::string_tools::pad_string(, 16, '0', true) << " " << << " " << << " kB/s, " << nblocks << " blocks / " << size/1e6 << " MB queued";
uint64_t total_size = 0;
for (const auto &s: res.spans)
total_size += s.size;
tools::success_msg_writer() << std::to_string(res.spans.size()) << " spans, " << total_size/1e6 << " MB";
for (const auto &s: res.spans)
std::string address = epee::string_tools::pad_string(s.remote_address, 24);
if (s.size == 0)
tools::success_msg_writer() << address << " " << s.nblocks << " (" << s.start_block_height << " - " << (s.start_block_height + s.nblocks - 1) << ") -";
tools::success_msg_writer() << address << " " << s.nblocks << " (" << s.start_block_height << " - " << (s.start_block_height + s.nblocks - 1) << ", " << (uint64_t)(s.size/1e3) << " kB) " << (unsigned)(s.rate/1e3) << " kB/s (" << s.speed/100.0f << ")";
return true;
}// namespace daemonize