diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1f890084c..85f5b52fa 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -80,15 +80,13 @@ There are also several mining pools that kindly donate a portion of their fees,
-## Monero software updates and consensus protocol changes (hard forking)
+## Monero software updates and consensus protocol changes (hard fork schedule)
-Monero uses a hardforking mechanism to implement new features which requires that 
-users of Monero software run current versions and update their software on a 
-regular schedule. Here is the current schedule, versions, and compatibility.
-Dates are provided in the format YYYYMMDD. 
+Monero uses a fixed-schedule hard fork mechanism to implement new features. This means that users of Monero (end users and service providers) need to run current versions and update their software on a regular schedule. Here is the current schedule, versions, and compatibility.
+Dates are provided in the format YYYY-MM-DD. 
-| Date              | Consensus version | Minimum Monero Version | Recommended Monero Version | Details            |  
+| Fork Date              | Consensus version | Minimum Monero Version | Recommended Monero Version | Details            |  
 | ----------------- | ----------------- | ---------------------- | -------------------------- | ------------------ |
 | 2016-09-21        | v3                | v0.9.4                 | v0.10.0                    | Splits coinbase into denominations  |
 | 2017-01-05        | v4                | v0.10.1                 | v0.10.2.2                   | Allow normal and RingCT transactions |