// Copyright (c) 2014-2016, The Monero Project // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Parts of this file are originally copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Cryptonote developers #include "string_tools.h" #include "common/scoped_message_writer.h" #include "daemon/rpc_command_executor.h" #include "rpc/core_rpc_server_commands_defs.h" #include "cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.h" #include "cryptonote_core/hardfork.h" #include <boost/format.hpp> #include <ctime> #include <string> namespace daemonize { namespace { void print_peer(std::string const & prefix, cryptonote::peer const & peer) { time_t now; time(&now); time_t last_seen = static_cast<time_t>(peer.last_seen); std::string id_str; std::string port_str; std::string elapsed = epee::misc_utils::get_time_interval_string(now - last_seen); std::string ip_str = epee::string_tools::get_ip_string_from_int32(peer.ip); epee::string_tools::xtype_to_string(peer.id, id_str); epee::string_tools::xtype_to_string(peer.port, port_str); std::string addr_str = ip_str + ":" + port_str; tools::msg_writer() << boost::format("%-10s %-25s %-25s %s") % prefix % id_str % addr_str % elapsed; } void print_block_header(cryptonote::block_header_responce const & header) { tools::success_msg_writer() << "timestamp: " << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(header.timestamp) << std::endl << "previous hash: " << header.prev_hash << std::endl << "nonce: " << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(header.nonce) << std::endl << "is orphan: " << header.orphan_status << std::endl << "height: " << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(header.height) << std::endl << "depth: " << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(header.depth) << std::endl << "hash: " << header.hash << "difficulty: " << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(header.difficulty) << std::endl << "reward: " << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(header.reward); } } t_rpc_command_executor::t_rpc_command_executor( uint32_t ip , uint16_t port , bool is_rpc , cryptonote::core_rpc_server* rpc_server ) : m_rpc_client(NULL), m_rpc_server(rpc_server) { if (is_rpc) { m_rpc_client = new tools::t_rpc_client(ip, port); } else { if (rpc_server == NULL) { throw std::runtime_error("If not calling commands via RPC, rpc_server pointer must be non-null"); } } m_is_rpc = is_rpc; } t_rpc_command_executor::~t_rpc_command_executor() { if (m_rpc_client != NULL) { delete m_rpc_client; } } bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_peer_list() { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_PEER_LIST::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_PEER_LIST::response res; std::string failure_message = "Couldn't retrieve peer list"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/get_peer_list", failure_message.c_str())) { return false; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_peer_list(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << failure_message; return false; } } for (auto & peer : res.white_list) { print_peer("white", peer); } for (auto & peer : res.gray_list) { print_peer("gray", peer); } return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::save_blockchain() { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SAVE_BC::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SAVE_BC::response res; std::string fail_message = "Couldn't save blockchain"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/save_bc", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_save_bc(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); } } tools::success_msg_writer() << "Blockchain saved"; return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::show_hash_rate() { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SET_LOG_HASH_RATE::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SET_LOG_HASH_RATE::response res; req.visible = true; std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/set_log_hash_rate", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_set_log_hash_rate(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); } } tools::success_msg_writer() << "Hash rate logging is on"; return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::hide_hash_rate() { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SET_LOG_HASH_RATE::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SET_LOG_HASH_RATE::response res; req.visible = false; std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/set_log_hash_rate", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_set_log_hash_rate(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } tools::success_msg_writer() << "Hash rate logging is off"; return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::show_difficulty() { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_INFO::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_INFO::response res; std::string fail_message = "Problem fetching info"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/getinfo", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_info(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } tools::success_msg_writer() << "BH: " << res.height << ", TH: " << res.top_block_hash << ", DIFF: " << res.difficulty << ", HR: " << (int) res.difficulty / res.target << " H/s"; return true; } static std::string get_mining_speed(uint64_t hr) { if (hr>1e9) return (boost::format("%.2f GH/s") % (hr/1e9)).str(); if (hr>1e6) return (boost::format("%.2f MH/s") % (hr/1e6)).str(); if (hr>1e3) return (boost::format("%.2f kH/s") % (hr/1e3)).str(); return (boost::format("%.0f H/s") % hr).str(); } bool t_rpc_command_executor::show_status() { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_INFO::request ireq; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_INFO::response ires; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_HARD_FORK_INFO::request hfreq; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_HARD_FORK_INFO::response hfres; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_MINING_STATUS::request mreq; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_MINING_STATUS::response mres; epee::json_rpc::error error_resp; std::string fail_message = "Problem fetching info"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(ireq, ires, "/getinfo", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(hfreq, hfres, "hard_fork_info", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(mreq, mres, "mining_status", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_info(ireq, ires)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } if (!m_rpc_server->on_hard_fork_info(hfreq, hfres, error_resp)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } if (!m_rpc_server->on_mining_status(mreq, mres)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } tools::success_msg_writer() << boost::format("Height: %llu/%llu (%.1f%%) on %s, %s, net hash %s, v%u, %s, %u+%u connections") % (unsigned long long)ires.height % (unsigned long long)(ires.target_height >= ires.height ? ires.target_height : ires.height) % (100.0f * ires.height / (ires.target_height ? ires.target_height < ires.height ? ires.height : ires.target_height : ires.height)) % (ires.testnet ? "testnet" : "mainnet") % (mres.active ? "mining at " + get_mining_speed(mres.speed) : "not mining") % get_mining_speed(ires.difficulty / ires.target) % (unsigned)hfres.version % (hfres.state == cryptonote::HardFork::Ready ? "up to date" : hfres.state == cryptonote::HardFork::UpdateNeeded ? "update needed" : "out of date, likely forked") % (unsigned)ires.outgoing_connections_count % (unsigned)ires.incoming_connections_count ; return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_connections() { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_CONNECTIONS::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_CONNECTIONS::response res; epee::json_rpc::error error_resp; std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "get_connections", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_connections(req, res, error_resp)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } tools::msg_writer() << std::setw(30) << std::left << "Remote Host" << std::setw(20) << "Peer id" << std::setw(30) << "Recv/Sent (inactive,sec)" << std::setw(25) << "State" << std::setw(20) << "Livetime(sec)" << std::setw(12) << "Down (kB/s)" << std::setw(14) << "Down(now)" << std::setw(10) << "Up (kB/s)" << std::setw(13) << "Up(now)" << std::endl; for (auto & info : res.connections) { std::string address = info.incoming ? "INC " : "OUT "; address += info.ip + ":" + info.port; //std::string in_out = info.incoming ? "INC " : "OUT "; tools::msg_writer() //<< std::setw(30) << std::left << in_out << std::setw(30) << std::left << address << std::setw(20) << info.peer_id << std::setw(30) << std::to_string(info.recv_count) + "(" + std::to_string(info.recv_idle_time) + ")/" + std::to_string(info.send_count) + "(" + std::to_string(info.send_idle_time) + ")" << std::setw(25) << info.state << std::setw(20) << info.live_time << std::setw(12) << info.avg_download << std::setw(14) << info.current_download << std::setw(10) << info.avg_upload << std::setw(13) << info.current_upload << std::left << (info.localhost ? "[LOCALHOST]" : "") << std::left << (info.local_ip ? "[LAN]" : ""); //tools::msg_writer() << boost::format("%-25s peer_id: %-25s %s") % address % info.peer_id % in_out; } return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_blockchain_info(uint64_t start_block_index, uint64_t end_block_index) { // this function appears to not exist in the json rpc api, and so is commented // until such a time as it does. /* cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK_HEADERS_RANGE::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK_HEADERS_RANGE::response res; epee::json_rpc::error error_resp; req.start_height = start_block_index; req.end_height = end_block_index; std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "getblockheadersrange", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_getblockheadersrange(req, res, error_resp)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } for (auto & header : res.headers) { std::cout << "major version: " << header.major_version << std::endl << "minor version: " << header.minor_version << std::endl << "height: " << header.height << ", timestamp: " << header.timestamp << ", difficulty: " << header.difficulty << std::endl << "block id: " << header.hash << std::endl << "previous block id: " << header.prev_hash << std::endl << "difficulty: " << header.difficulty << ", nonce " << header.nonce << std::endl; } */ return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::set_log_level(int8_t level) { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SET_LOG_LEVEL::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SET_LOG_LEVEL::response res; req.level = level; std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/set_log_level", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_set_log_level(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } tools::success_msg_writer() << "Log level is now " << std::to_string(level); return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_height() { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_HEIGHT::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_HEIGHT::response res; std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/getheight", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_height(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } tools::success_msg_writer() << boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(res.height); return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_block_by_hash(crypto::hash block_hash) { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK::response res; epee::json_rpc::error error_resp; req.hash = epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(block_hash); std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "getblock", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_block(req, res, error_resp)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } print_block_header(res.block_header); tools::success_msg_writer() << res.json << ENDL; return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_block_by_height(uint64_t height) { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_BLOCK::response res; epee::json_rpc::error error_resp; req.height = height; std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "getblock", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_block(req, res, error_resp)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } print_block_header(res.block_header); tools::success_msg_writer() << res.json << ENDL; return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_transaction(crypto::hash transaction_hash) { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTIONS::response res; std::string fail_message = "Problem fetching transaction"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/gettransactions", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { req.txs_hashes.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(transaction_hash)); if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_transactions(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } if (1 == res.txs_as_hex.size()) { // first as hex tools::success_msg_writer() << res.txs_as_hex.front(); // then as json crypto::hash tx_hash, tx_prefix_hash; cryptonote::transaction tx; cryptonote::blobdata blob; if (!string_tools::parse_hexstr_to_binbuff(res.txs_as_hex.front(), blob)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << "Failed to parse tx"; } else if (!cryptonote::parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(blob, tx, tx_hash, tx_prefix_hash)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << "Failed to parse tx blob"; } else { tools::success_msg_writer() << cryptonote::obj_to_json_str(tx) << std::endl; } } else { tools::fail_msg_writer() << "transaction wasn't found: " << transaction_hash << std::endl; } return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::is_key_image_spent(const crypto::key_image &ki) { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_IS_KEY_IMAGE_SPENT::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_IS_KEY_IMAGE_SPENT::response res; std::string fail_message = "Problem checkking key image"; req.key_images.push_back(epee::string_tools::pod_to_hex(ki)); if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/is_key_image_spent", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_is_key_image_spent(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } if (1 == res.spent_status.size()) { // first as hex tools::success_msg_writer() << ki << ": " << (res.spent_status.front() ? "spent" : "unspent"); } else { tools::fail_msg_writer() << "key image status could not be determined" << std::endl; } return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_transaction_pool_long() { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTION_POOL::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTION_POOL::response res; std::string fail_message = "Problem fetching transaction pool"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/get_transaction_pool", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_transaction_pool(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } if (res.transactions.empty() && res.spent_key_images.empty()) { tools::msg_writer() << "Pool is empty" << std::endl; } if (! res.transactions.empty()) { tools::msg_writer() << "Transactions: "; for (auto & tx_info : res.transactions) { tools::msg_writer() << "id: " << tx_info.id_hash << std::endl << tx_info.tx_json << std::endl << "blob_size: " << tx_info.blob_size << std::endl << "fee: " << cryptonote::print_money(tx_info.fee) << std::endl << "kept_by_block: " << (tx_info.kept_by_block ? 'T' : 'F') << std::endl << "max_used_block_height: " << tx_info.max_used_block_height << std::endl << "max_used_block_id: " << tx_info.max_used_block_id_hash << std::endl << "last_failed_height: " << tx_info.last_failed_height << std::endl << "last_failed_id: " << tx_info.last_failed_id_hash << std::endl; } if (res.spent_key_images.empty()) { tools::msg_writer() << "WARNING: Inconsistent pool state - no spent key images"; } } if (! res.spent_key_images.empty()) { tools::msg_writer() << ""; // one newline tools::msg_writer() << "Spent key images: "; for (const cryptonote::spent_key_image_info& kinfo : res.spent_key_images) { tools::msg_writer() << "key image: " << kinfo.id_hash; if (kinfo.txs_hashes.size() == 1) { tools::msg_writer() << " tx: " << kinfo.txs_hashes[0]; } else if (kinfo.txs_hashes.size() == 0) { tools::msg_writer() << " WARNING: spent key image has no txs associated"; } else { tools::msg_writer() << " NOTE: key image for multiple txs: " << kinfo.txs_hashes.size(); for (const std::string& tx_id : kinfo.txs_hashes) { tools::msg_writer() << " tx: " << tx_id; } } } if (res.transactions.empty()) { tools::msg_writer() << "WARNING: Inconsistent pool state - no transactions"; } } return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_transaction_pool_short() { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTION_POOL::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GET_TRANSACTION_POOL::response res; std::string fail_message = "Problem fetching transaction pool"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/get_transaction_pool", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_transaction_pool(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } if (res.transactions.empty()) { tools::msg_writer() << "Pool is empty" << std::endl; } for (auto & tx_info : res.transactions) { tools::msg_writer() << "id: " << tx_info.id_hash << std::endl << "blob_size: " << tx_info.blob_size << std::endl << "fee: " << cryptonote::print_money(tx_info.fee) << std::endl << "kept_by_block: " << (tx_info.kept_by_block ? 'T' : 'F') << std::endl << "max_used_block_height: " << tx_info.max_used_block_height << std::endl << "max_used_block_id: " << tx_info.max_used_block_id_hash << std::endl << "last_failed_height: " << tx_info.last_failed_height << std::endl << "last_failed_id: " << tx_info.last_failed_id_hash << std::endl; } return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::start_mining(cryptonote::account_public_address address, uint64_t num_threads, bool testnet) { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_START_MINING::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_START_MINING::response res; req.miner_address = cryptonote::get_account_address_as_str(testnet, address); req.threads_count = num_threads; std::string fail_message = "Mining did not start"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/start_mining", fail_message.c_str())) { tools::success_msg_writer() << "Mining started"; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_start_mining(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::stop_mining() { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_STOP_MINING::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_STOP_MINING::response res; std::string fail_message = "Mining did not stop"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/stop_mining", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_stop_mining(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } tools::success_msg_writer() << "Mining stopped"; return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::stop_daemon() { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_STOP_DAEMON::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_STOP_DAEMON::response res; //# ifdef WIN32 // // Stop via service API // // TODO - this is only temporary! Get rid of hard-coded constants! // bool ok = windows::stop_service("BitMonero Daemon"); // ok = windows::uninstall_service("BitMonero Daemon"); // //bool ok = windows::stop_service(SERVICE_NAME); // //ok = windows::uninstall_service(SERVICE_NAME); // if (ok) // { // return true; // } //# endif // Stop via RPC std::string fail_message = "Daemon did not stop"; if (m_is_rpc) { if(!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/stop_daemon", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_stop_daemon(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } tools::success_msg_writer() << "Stop signal sent"; return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_status() { if (!m_is_rpc) { tools::success_msg_writer() << "print_status makes no sense in interactive mode"; return true; } bool daemon_is_alive = m_rpc_client->check_connection(); if(daemon_is_alive) { tools::success_msg_writer() << "bitmonerod is running"; } else { tools::fail_msg_writer() << "bitmonerod is NOT running"; } return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::get_limit() { int limit_down = epee::net_utils::connection_basic::get_rate_down_limit( ); int limit_up = epee::net_utils::connection_basic::get_rate_up_limit( ); std::cout << "limit-down is " << limit_down/1024 << " kB/s" << std::endl; std::cout << "limit-up is " << limit_up/1024 << " kB/s" << std::endl; return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::set_limit(int limit) { epee::net_utils::connection_basic::set_rate_down_limit( limit ); epee::net_utils::connection_basic::set_rate_up_limit( limit ); std::cout << "Set limit-down to " << limit/1024 << " kB/s" << std::endl; std::cout << "Set limit-up to " << limit/1024 << " kB/s" << std::endl; return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::get_limit_up() { int limit_up = epee::net_utils::connection_basic::get_rate_up_limit( ); std::cout << "limit-up is " << limit_up/1024 << " kB/s" << std::endl; return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::set_limit_up(int limit) { epee::net_utils::connection_basic::set_rate_up_limit( limit ); std::cout << "Set limit-up to " << limit/1024 << " kB/s" << std::endl; return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::get_limit_down() { int limit_down = epee::net_utils::connection_basic::get_rate_down_limit( ); std::cout << "limit-down is " << limit_down/1024 << " kB/s" << std::endl; return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::set_limit_down(int limit) { epee::net_utils::connection_basic::set_rate_down_limit( limit ); std::cout << "Set limit-down to " << limit/1024 << " kB/s" << std::endl; return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::fast_exit() { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_FAST_EXIT::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_FAST_EXIT::response res; std::string fail_message = "Daemon did not stop"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/fast_exit", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_fast_exit(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } tools::success_msg_writer() << "Daemon stopped"; return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::out_peers(uint64_t limit) { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_OUT_PEERS::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_OUT_PEERS::response res; epee::json_rpc::error error_resp; req.out_peers = limit; std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "out_peers", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_out_peers(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::start_save_graph() { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_START_SAVE_GRAPH::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_START_SAVE_GRAPH::response res; std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/start_save_graph", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_start_save_graph(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::stop_save_graph() { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_STOP_SAVE_GRAPH::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_STOP_SAVE_GRAPH::response res; std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful"; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->rpc_request(req, res, "/stop_save_graph", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_stop_save_graph(req, res)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::hard_fork_info(uint8_t version) { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_HARD_FORK_INFO::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_HARD_FORK_INFO::response res; std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful"; epee::json_rpc::error error_resp; req.version = version; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "hard_fork_info", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_hard_fork_info(req, res, error_resp)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } version = version > 0 ? version : res.voting; tools::msg_writer() << "version " << (uint32_t)version << " " << (res.enabled ? "enabled" : "not enabled") << ", " << res.votes << "/" << res.window << " votes, threshold " << res.threshold; tools::msg_writer() << "current version " << (uint32_t)res.version << ", voting for version " << (uint32_t)res.voting; return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::print_bans() { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GETBANS::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_GETBANS::response res; std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful"; epee::json_rpc::error error_resp; if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "get_bans", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_get_bans(req, res, error_resp)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } time_t now = time(nullptr); for (auto i = res.bans.begin(); i != res.bans.end(); ++i) { time_t seconds = i->seconds - now; tools::msg_writer() << epee::string_tools::get_ip_string_from_int32(i->ip) << " banned for " << seconds << " seconds"; } return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::ban(const std::string &ip, time_t seconds) { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SETBANS::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SETBANS::response res; std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful"; epee::json_rpc::error error_resp; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SETBANS::ban ban; if (!epee::string_tools::get_ip_int32_from_string(ban.ip, ip)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << "Invalid IP"; return true; } ban.ban = true; ban.seconds = seconds; req.bans.push_back(ban); if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "set_bans", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_set_bans(req, res, error_resp)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } return true; } bool t_rpc_command_executor::unban(const std::string &ip) { cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SETBANS::request req; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SETBANS::response res; std::string fail_message = "Unsuccessful"; epee::json_rpc::error error_resp; cryptonote::COMMAND_RPC_SETBANS::ban ban; if (!epee::string_tools::get_ip_int32_from_string(ban.ip, ip)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << "Invalid IP"; return true; } ban.ban = false; ban.seconds = 0; req.bans.push_back(ban); if (m_is_rpc) { if (!m_rpc_client->json_rpc_request(req, res, "set_bans", fail_message.c_str())) { return true; } } else { if (!m_rpc_server->on_set_bans(req, res, error_resp)) { tools::fail_msg_writer() << fail_message.c_str(); return true; } } return true; } }// namespace daemonize