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// Copyright (c) 2012-2013 The Cryptonote developers
// Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying
// file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php.
// node.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "include_base_utils.h"
#include "version.h"
using namespace epee;
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include "common/command_line.h"
#include "console_handler.h"
#include "p2p/net_node.h"
//#include "cryptonote_core/cryptonote_core.h"
#include "cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.h"
#include "core_proxy.h"
#include "version.h"
#if defined(WIN32)
#include <crtdbg.h>
namespace po = boost::program_options;
using namespace cryptonote;
using namespace crypto;
BOOST_CLASS_VERSION(nodetool::node_server<cryptonote::t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<tests::proxy_core> >, 1);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
#ifdef WIN32
//set up logging options
log_space::get_set_log_detalisation_level(true, LOG_LEVEL_2);
//log_space::log_singletone::add_logger(LOGGER_CONSOLE, NULL, NULL);
po::options_description desc("Allowed options");
// tools::get_default_data_dir() can't be called during static initialization
command_line::add_arg(desc, command_line::arg_data_dir, tools::get_default_data_dir());
nodetool::node_server<cryptonote::t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<tests::proxy_core> >::init_options(desc);
po::variables_map vm;
bool r = command_line::handle_error_helper(desc, [&]()
po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm);
return true;
if (!r)
return 1;
LOG_PRINT("Module folder: " << argv[0], LOG_LEVEL_0);
LOG_PRINT("Node starting ...", LOG_LEVEL_0);
//create objects and link them
tests::proxy_core pr_core;
cryptonote::t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<tests::proxy_core> cprotocol(pr_core, NULL);
nodetool::node_server<cryptonote::t_cryptonote_protocol_handler<tests::proxy_core> > p2psrv(cprotocol);
//daemon_cmmands_handler dch(p2psrv);
//initialize objects
LOG_PRINT_L0("Initializing p2p server...");
bool res = p2psrv.init(vm);
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(res, 1, "Failed to initialize p2p server.");
LOG_PRINT_L0("P2p server initialized OK");
LOG_PRINT_L0("Initializing cryptonote protocol...");
res = cprotocol.init(vm);
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(res, 1, "Failed to initialize cryptonote protocol.");
LOG_PRINT_L0("Cryptonote protocol initialized OK");
//initialize core here
LOG_PRINT_L0("Initializing proxy core...");
res = pr_core.init(vm);
CHECK_AND_ASSERT_MES(res, 1, "Failed to initialize core");
LOG_PRINT_L0("Core initialized OK");
LOG_PRINT_L0("Starting p2p net loop...");
LOG_PRINT_L0("p2p net loop stopped");
//deinitialize components
LOG_PRINT_L0("Deinitializing core...");
LOG_PRINT_L0("Deinitializing cryptonote_protocol...");
LOG_PRINT_L0("Deinitializing p2p...");
LOG_PRINT("Node stopped.", LOG_LEVEL_0);
return 0;
CATCH_ENTRY_L0("main", 1);
string tx2str(const cryptonote::transaction& tx, const cryptonote::hash256& tx_hash, const cryptonote::hash256& tx_prefix_hash, const cryptonote::blobdata& blob) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "{" << endl;
ss << "\tversion:" << tx.version << endl;
ss << "\tunlock_time:" << tx.unlock_time << endl;
ss << "\t"
return ss.str();
bool tests::proxy_core::handle_incoming_tx(const cryptonote::blobdata& tx_blob, cryptonote::tx_verification_context& tvc, bool keeped_by_block) {
if (!keeped_by_block)
return true;
crypto::hash tx_hash = null_hash;
crypto::hash tx_prefix_hash = null_hash;
transaction tx;
if (!parse_and_validate_tx_from_blob(tx_blob, tx, tx_hash, tx_prefix_hash)) {
cerr << "WRONG TRANSACTION BLOB, Failed to parse, rejected" << endl;
return false;
cout << "TX " << endl << endl;
cout << tx_hash << endl;
cout << tx_prefix_hash << endl;
cout << tx_blob.size() << endl;
//cout << string_tools::buff_to_hex_nodelimer(tx_blob) << endl << endl;
cout << obj_to_json_str(tx) << endl;
cout << endl << "ENDTX" << endl;
return true;
bool tests::proxy_core::handle_incoming_block(const cryptonote::blobdata& block_blob, cryptonote::block_verification_context& bvc, bool update_miner_blocktemplate) {
block b = AUTO_VAL_INIT(b);
if(!parse_and_validate_block_from_blob(block_blob, b)) {
cerr << "Failed to parse and validate new block" << endl;
return false;
crypto::hash h;
crypto::hash lh;
cout << "BLOCK" << endl << endl;
cout << (h = get_block_hash(b)) << endl;
cout << (lh = get_block_longhash(b, 0)) << endl;
cout << get_transaction_hash(b.miner_tx) << endl;
cout << ::get_object_blobsize(b.miner_tx) << endl;
//cout << string_tools::buff_to_hex_nodelimer(block_blob) << endl;
cout << obj_to_json_str(b) << endl;
cout << endl << "ENDBLOCK" << endl << endl;
if (!add_block(h, lh, b, block_blob))
return false;
return true;
bool tests::proxy_core::get_short_chain_history(std::list<crypto::hash>& ids) {
build_short_history(ids, m_lastblk);
return true;
bool tests::proxy_core::get_blockchain_top(uint64_t& height, crypto::hash& top_id) {
height = 0;
top_id = get_block_hash(m_genesis);
return true;
bool tests::proxy_core::init(const boost::program_options::variables_map& /*vm*/) {
crypto::hash h = get_block_hash(m_genesis);
add_block(h, get_block_longhash(m_genesis, 0), m_genesis, block_to_blob(m_genesis));
return true;
bool tests::proxy_core::have_block(const crypto::hash& id) {
if (m_hash2blkidx.end() == m_hash2blkidx.find(id))
return false;
return true;
void tests::proxy_core::build_short_history(std::list<crypto::hash> &m_history, const crypto::hash &m_start) {
/*std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, tests::block_index>::const_iterator cit = m_hash2blkidx.find(m_lastblk);
do {
size_t n = 1 << m_history.size();
while (m_hash2blkidx.end() != cit && cryptonote::null_hash != cit->second.blk.prev_id && n > 0) {
cit = m_hash2blkidx.find(cit->second.blk.prev_id);
} while (m_hash2blkidx.end() != cit && get_block_hash(cit->second.blk) != cit->first);*/
bool tests::proxy_core::add_block(const crypto::hash &_id, const crypto::hash &_longhash, const cryptonote::block &_blk, const cryptonote::blobdata &_blob) {
size_t height = 0;
if (cryptonote::null_hash != _blk.prev_id) {
std::unordered_map<crypto::hash, tests::block_index>::const_iterator cit = m_hash2blkidx.find(_blk.prev_id);
if (m_hash2blkidx.end() == cit) {
cerr << "ERROR: can't find previous block with id \"" << _blk.prev_id << "\"" << endl;
return false;
height = cit->second.height + 1;
block_index bi(height, _id, _longhash, _blk, _blob, txes);
m_hash2blkidx.insert(std::make_pair(_id, bi));
m_lastblk = _id;
return true;