#!/bin/bash ######################## # What this script is: # # An automatic installer for Gentoo Stable with the following features: # 1. BTRFS with Grub Snapshots # 2. KDE Desktop # 3. The ability to build a custom and deployable image onto any machine # 4. Easily create a bootable USB drive # 5. Automatic Partitioning # 6. Steam/Wine/Lutris Install # # INSTRUCTIONS # # For new disk installs, initialize the disk to setup partitions from the main menu. # # Before running the install, ensure that you have Internet access. # # Please be sure to change USER,USER_PASSWORD, and ROOT_PASSWORD strings in this file # # To install a new OS to a disk, run gentoo.sh and choose option 1 from the main menu # ######################## #Configure this section ######################## PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin TARGET='/install' mkdir $TARGET ###################################### echo HARD_DISK=$2 ###################################### USER="verita84" USER_PASSWORD="123456" ROOT_PASSWORD="123456" WIRELESS_PASSWORD='123456' SSID='123456' WIRELESS_INTERFACE='wlan0' COMPRESSION='compress=zstd:10' FLATPAKS+=() SERVICES+=(cronie gdm libvirt smartd cronie cups grub-btrfsd sddm NetworkManager dev-zram0.swap) MAKEOPTS="-j$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i processor | grep -vi 'model' | wc -l)" ROOT_PARTITION_SIZE="30GB" #USEFLAG CONFIGURATION MULTIMEDIA_CODECS="proprietary-codecs vpx bluray libaom libdrm libilbc libplacebo libsoxr libv4l libxml2 lv2 openh264 encode iconv jpeg2k ladspa libass libcaca mp3 openal opus svg theora v4l vorbis webp xvid x264 " BASE_DESKTOP=" wayland desktop-portal dbus gui alsa X flatpak sound-server wxwidgets jumbo-build kernel-install dvd hwaccel sasl proprietary-codecs screencast systemd pulseaudio firmware nfsv4 caps device-mapper efiemu themes truetype btrfs seccomp cgroup-hybrid geoclue boot browser keeshare network opengl " DESKTOP_BLOAT_REMOVAL=" -webengine -telemetry -zeroconf -bluetooth -browser-integration -samba -tiff -gnome -mysql -mariadb -doc -sendmail -calendar -handbook -gpm " KDE_DESKTOP_USE_FLAGS="$DESKTOP_BLOAT_REMOVAL $MULTIMEDIA_CODECS $BASE_DESKTOP qt5 kde " SERVER_USE_FLAGS="$MULTIMEDIA_CODECS -samba -gtk kernel-install -pipewire -bluetooth udev -sound -ipv6 sasl usb usbredir spice vhost-net virtfs -vnc -wayland -gpm -proprietary-codecs -screencast systemd pulseaudio sound-server -x264 firmware nfsv4 caps -zeroconf dbus -X -browser-integration desktop-portal -gnome -qt5 -kde -dvd -alsa -gui device-mapper efiemu themes truetype btrfs seccomp cgroup-hybrid geoclue -webengine boot -browser -keeshare network -opengl " #PACKAGE CONFIGURATION BASE_PACKAGES=" app-vim/airline app-containers/netavark mail-mta/postfix app-admin/sysstat sys-apps/smartmontools sys-process/cronie net-fs/nfs-utils net-firewall/iptables dev-python/pip sys-fs/inotify-tools net-analyzer/nmap x11-apps/xhost app-misc/screen app-portage/gentoolkit sys-fs/dosfstools app-admin/sudo sys-apps/systemd sys-boot/plymouth sys-apps/zram-generator app-eselect/eselect-repository dev-vcs/git sys-block/parted sys-boot/grub sys-block/zram-init sys-process/btop net-vpn/wireguard-tools sys-apps/flatpak app-editors/vim app-misc/fastfetch net-misc/yt-dlp app-containers/crun app-containers/podman sys-fs/btrfs-progs net-print/cups " SHARED_DESKTOP_APPS=" app-office/libreoffice app-crypt/veracrypt media-video/vlc net-im/telegram-desktop-bin net-misc/nextcloud-client x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev www-client/firefox app-editors/vscodium app-admin/keepassxc " KDE_DESKTOP_PACKAGES=" $SHARED_DESKTOP_APPS kde-apps/kcalc kde-apps/dolphin kde-apps/ark plasma-meta kde-apps/konsole media-gfx/krita kde-apps/kdegraphics-meta net-im/neochat x11-misc/sddm " DESKTOP_PACKAGES=$KDE_DESKTOP_PACKAGES DESKTOP_USE_FLAGS=$KDE_DESKTOP_USE_FLAGS # USE_FLAGS="" PACKAGES="" INSTALL_TYPE="desktop" TMPFS_SIZE="32G" CPU_TYPE="znver3" TAR_EXCLUDES="--exclude=/run/user/* --exclude=/run/media/* --exclude=/var/db/repos/* --exclude=/var/lib/systemd/coredump/* --exclude=/var/cache/distfiles --exclude=/var/lib/flatpak --exclude=/.snapshots --exclude=/snapshots --exclude=/var/backups --exclude=/volumes/* --exclude=/mnt/* --exclude=/var/tmp/* --exclude=/tmp/* --exclude=/raid/* --exclude=/root/* --exclude=/var/cache/apt/archives/* --exclude=/proc/* --exclude=/.snapshots/* --exclude=/var/lib/libvirt/* --exclude=/dev/* --exclude=/sys/* --exclude=/home/* --exclude=/var/lib/postgresql --exclude=/var/lib/containers " DISTCC_HOSTS+=( DISTCC_LISTEN="" DISTCC_CORES="30" #Add Masked Packages to the Array MASKED_PACKAGES+=(dev-games/irrlicht-mt dev-games/irrlicht-mt-headers games-arcade/supertux games-engines/minetest games-action/extreme-tuxrace dev-libs/nss www-client/firefox net-im/element-desktop-bin media-libs/harfbuzz games-util/game-device-udev-rules dev-lang/python dev-python/pyrate-limiter dev-python/moddb dev-python/pypresence games-util/lutris games-util/steam-launcher app-misc/fastfetch net-im/telegram-desktop-bin dev-libs/yyjson) partitionDetection() { #This is used for the installer to do script-based actions EFI=$(blkid | grep $HARD_DISK | sort | cut -d ":" -f1 | head -1 | tail -1) BOOT=$(blkid | grep $HARD_DISK | sort | cut -d ":" -f1 | head -2 | tail -1) BTRFS=$(blkid | grep $HARD_DISK | sort | cut -d ":" -f1 | head -3 | tail -1) } partitionDetection firmware() { clear if [ -z "/usr/sbin/fwupdmgr" ]; then emerge sys-apps/fwupd else echo echo "Firmware Utility already installed" echo fi fwupdmgr refresh fwupdmgr get-updates fwupdmgr update #emerge --unmerge sys-apps/fwupd } auto_login() { mkdir -p $TARGET/etc/sddm.conf.d echo "[Autologin]" >$TARGET/etc/sddm.conf.d/autologin echo "User=$USER" >>$TARGET/etc/sddm.conf.d/autologin echo "Session=plasma.desktop" >>$TARGET/etc/sddm.conf.d/autologin echo "Relogin=false" >>$TARGET/etc/sddm.conf.d/autologin } create-os-snapshots() { echo mkdir $2 DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H) echo "[Creating new OS snapshot to $1/gentoo-$HOSTNAME-$DATE.tgz]" echo echo NEW_TAR_EXCLUDES="$TAR_EXCLUDES --exclude=/minio --exclude=$TARGET/* --exclude=/var/lib/docker " echo time tar cvpzf $1/gentoo-$HOSTNAME-$DATE.tgz $NEW_TAR_EXCLUDES / } homeBackup() { echo echo "[Copying USER data from /home to $TARGET/@home]" echo rsync -a --delete /home/ --exclude=.cache --exclude=.local/share/flatpak --exclude=.local/share/containers $TARGET/\@home/ } os-backup() { umount $TARGET echo echo "[Mounting.....]" echo mount -o $COMPRESSION $BTRFS $TARGET if [ "$1" = "home" ]; then homeBackup fi create-os-snapshots "$2" "$3" ls $TARGET/ umount $TARGET } os-restore() { rm -rf $TARGET/usr $TARGET/sbin $TARGET/lib32 $TARGET/libx32 $TARGET/lib $TARGET/vmlinuz* $TARGET/initrd* $TARGET/bin $TARGET/var $TARGET/root $TARGET/opt $TARGET/etc $TARGET/run clear systemMounts echo "[Restoring OS tarfile from $2]" echo tar xfvp $2 -C $TARGET/ if [ "$3" = "home" ]; then echo "[Restoring /home]" echo rsync -a --delete /home/ $TARGET/home/ fi cp -f gentoo.sh $TARGET/ fstab chmod +x $TARGET/gentoo.sh chroot $TARGET /gentoo.sh bootloader $1 $2 $5 chroot $TARGET /gentoo.sh btrfs-tweaks chroot $TARGET /gentoo.sh accounts chown -R $USER:$USER $TARGET/home/$USER auto_login rm -f $TARGET/gentoo.sh } systemMounts() { echo echo "[Checking for BTRFS Partition]" if [[ -e "$BTRFS" ]]; then echo "BTRFS device found" echo echo "Mounting Boot,EFI,HOME" echo mount $BTRFS $TARGET btrfs_filesytem mkdir -p $TARGET/boot mount -t ext4 $BOOT $TARGET/boot mkdir -p $TARGET/boot/efi mount $EFI $TARGET/boot/efi #CONFIGURE DATA DIRS (HOME) mkdir $TARGET/home mount -o subvol=@home $BTRFS $TARGET/home mkdir $TARGET/home/$USER mkdir $TARGET/dev mkdir $TARGET/proc mkdir $TARGET/sys mkdir -p $TARGET/var/tmp/portage mount -o rbind /dev $TARGET/dev mount -o rbind /dev/pts $TARGET/dev/pts mount -o rbind /proc $TARGET/proc mount -o rbind /sys $TARGET/sys mount -t efivarfs none $TARGET/sys/firmware/efi/efivars mount -t tmpfs -o size=$TMPFS_SIZE tmpfs $TARGET/var/tmp/portage else echo echo "Aborting Install, $BTRFS not found!" echo echo exit 1 fi } unmaskPackages() { echo "" >$TARGET/etc/portage/package.accept_keywords for i in "${MASKED_PACKAGES[@]}"; do echo "$i ~amd64" >>$TARGET/etc/portage/package.accept_keywords done } finishInstall() { unmaskPackages distccConfigure chroot $TARGET /usr/bin/bash /tmp/packages.sh } distccConfigure() { if [ -z "$DISTCC_LISTEN" ]; then echo echo echo echo "[Not Using DistCC]" echo else echo echo "[Building DistCC]" echo echo if [ -f "$TARGET/usr/bin/distccd" ]; then echo "Distcc already installed" else chroot $TARGET /usr/bin/emerge sys-devel/distcc fi echo "" >$TARGET/etc/distcc/hosts for i in "${DISTCC_HOSTS[@]}"; do echo $i >>$TARGET/etc/distcc/hosts done echo "[Killing Distccd]" /usr/sbin/killall -9 distccd echo echo "[Starting Distccd]" echo chroot $TARGET /usr/bin/distccd --no-detach --daemon --port 3632 -N 15 --allow $DISTCC_LISTEN & fi } installCockpit() { COCKPIT_PACKAGES+=(app-admin/cockpit-podman app-admin/cockpit-navigator app-admin/cockpit app-crypt/sscg) for i in "${COCKPIT_PACKAGES[@]}"; do echo "$i ~amd64" >>/etc/portage/package.accept_keywords done eselect repository enable inode64-overlay eselect repository enable gig emerge --sync inode64-overlay emerge --sync gig emerge $COCKPIT_PACKAGES --autounmask-write etc-update -q --automode -5 emerge $COCKPIT_PACKAGES } installNvidia() { ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~amd64" emerge x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers nvidia-cuda-toolkit www-apps/jellyfin net-im/coturn --autounmask-write etc-update -q --automode -5 ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~amd64" emerge x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers nvidia-cuda-toolkit www-apps/jellyfin net-im/coturn } buildGentoo() { if [ ! -d "$TARGET/var/db/repos/gentoo/x11-misc" ]; then chroot $TARGET /usr/bin/emerge --sync fi distccConfigure echo echo echo echo "[Configuring Profiles]" echo echo echo if [[ $INSTALL_TYPE = *desktop* ]]; then GENTOO_PROFILE=$(chroot $TARGET /usr/bin/eselect profile list | grep -i plasma | grep systemd | grep -i merged | head -1 | cut -d '[' -f2 | cut -d ']' -f1) chroot $TARGET /usr/bin/eselect profile set $GENTOO_PROFILE echo ">=x11-misc/$(find $TARGET/var/db/repos/gentoo/x11-misc/appmenu-gtk-module/ | grep ebuild | tail -1 | cut -d '/' -f9 | sed 's/.ebuild//i') wayland" >>$TARGET/etc/portage/package.use/zz-autounmask echo ">=media-libs/$(find $TARGET/var/db/repos/gentoo/media-libs/libsndfile/ | grep ebuild | head -1 | cut -d '/' -f9 | sed 's/.ebuild//i') minimal" >>$TARGET/etc/portage/package.use/zz-autounmask echo ">=app-editors/$(find $TARGET/var/db/repos/gentoo/app-editors/vim/ | grep ebuild | head -1 | cut -d '/' -f9 | sed 's/.ebuild//i') -crypt -sound" >>$TARGET/etc/portage/package.use/zz-autounmask else chroot $TARGET /usr/bin/eselect profile set $(/usr/bin/eselect profile list | grep -Evi 'gnome|plasma' | grep systemd | grep -i merged | head -1 | cut -d '[' -f2 | cut -d ']' -f1) fi mkdir -p $TARGET/etc/portage/package.license echo "*/* *" >$TARGET/etc/portage/package.license/license rm -rf $TARGET/etc/portage/package.accept_keywords echo echo echo echo "[Installing Kernel]" echo echo chroot $TARGET /usr/bin/emerge gentoo-kernel-bin sys-kernel/linux-firmware echo echo echo echo "[Building Base System]" echo echo chroot $TARGET /usr/bin/emerge --verbose --update --deep --newuse @world --autounmask-write chroot $TARGET etc-update -q --automode -5 chroot $TARGET /usr/bin/emerge --verbose --update --deep --newuse @world locale echo "/usr/bin/emerge $PACKAGES --autounmask-write" >$TARGET/tmp/packages.sh echo "/usr/sbin/etc-update -q --automode -5" >>$TARGET/tmp/packages.sh echo "/usr/bin/emerge $PACKAGES" >>$TARGET/tmp/packages.sh } snapshots() { echo echo "Creating Snapshots....." echo DATE=$(echo $(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)) btrfs sub snapshot / /.snapshots/root-${DATE} } remove-snapshots() { btrfs sub delete /.snapshots/* rm -f /boot/loader/entries/root-* } flatpaks() { echo echo "Installing Flatpaks......" echo flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo for i in "${FLATPAKS[@]}"; do echo $i flatpak install --user $i -y done } grub-snapshots() { cd /opt git clone https://github.com/Antynea/grub-btrfs.git cd /opt/grub-btrfs make make install systemctl enable --now grub-btrfsd.service } bootloader() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo echo "Error: No Disk specified!" echo else ROOT_NAME="$2" plymouth-set-default-theme solar echo "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash mitigations=off\"" >/etc/default/grub echo "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=init=/usr/lib/systemd/systemd root=UUID=$(/sbin/blkid | grep $BTRFS | cut -d '"' -f2) rootflags=subvol=@${ROOT_NAME}" >>/etc/default/grub echo "GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=n" >>/etc/default/grub echo "GRUB_DISABLE_OS_PROBER=true" >>/etc/default/grub echo "GRUB_TIMEOUT=1" >>/etc/default/grub echo "GRUB_THEME=/boot/grub/themes/starfield/theme.txt" >>/etc/default/grub grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=gentoo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg fi } btrfs_filesytem() { btrfs sub create $TARGET/@$ROOT_NAME btrfs sub create $TARGET/@.snapshots btrfs sub create $TARGET/@libvirt btrfs sub create $TARGET/@home btrfs sub create $TARGET/@root btrfs sub create $TARGET/@containers btrfs sub create $TARGET/@flatpak echo echo "Binding BTRFS Root" echo umount $TARGET mount -o $COMPRESSION,subvol=@$ROOT_NAME $BTRFS $TARGET } services() { echo '[zram0]' >/etc/systemd/zram-generator.conf echo 'zram-size = ram * 2' >>/etc/systemd/zram-generator.conf for i in "${SERVICES[@]}"; do systemctl enable --now $i done #Required for Audio to work systemctl --user enable --now pipewire.socket pipewire-pulse.socket wireplumber.service systemctl --user enable --now pipewire.service } desktop() { services } installSteam() { eselect repository enable steam-overlay emerge --sync steam-overlay emerge games-util/steam-launcher app-emulation/wine-vanilla games-util/lutris --autounmask-write etc-update -q --automode -5 emerge -DN @world emerge games-util/steam-launcher app-emulation/wine-vanilla games-util/lutris } locale() { echo "ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Mountain /etc/localtime" >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo "hwclock --systohc" >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >$TARGET/etc/locale.gen echo "locale-gen" >>$TARGET/setup.sh } fstab() { mkdir $TARGET/etc echo "UUID=$(/sbin/blkid | grep ${BOOT} | cut -d '"' -f2) /boot ext4 defaults 0 1" >$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "UUID=$(/sbin/blkid | grep ${EFI} | cut -d '"' -f4) /boot/efi vfat umask=0077 0 1" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "$BTRFS / btrfs noatime,nodiratime,autodefrag,$COMPRESSION,subvol=@$ROOT_NAME 0 1" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "$BTRFS /.snapshots btrfs noatime,nodiratime,autodefrag,$COMPRESSION,subvol=@.snapshots 0 1" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "$BTRFS /var/lib/libvirt btrfs noatime,nodiratime,autodefrag,$COMPRESSION,subvol=@libvirt 0 1" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "$BTRFS /var/lib/flatpak btrfs noatime,nodiratime,autodefrag,$COMPRESSION,subvol=@flatpak 0 1" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults,dev,exec 0 0" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "tmpfs /var/tmp/portage tmpfs defaults,size=$TMPFS_SIZE 0 0" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab #echo "$BTRFS /home btrfs noatime,nodiratime,autodefrag,$COMPRESSION,subvol=@home 0 1" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "$BTRFS /root btrfs noatime,nodiratime,autodefrag,$COMPRESSION,subvol=@root 0 1" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "$BTRFS /var/lib/containers btrfs noatime,nodiratime,autodefrag,$COMPRESSION,subvol=@containers 0 1" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab } accounts() { echo echo "Set Password for $USER" useradd -m -s /bin/bash $USER echo "$USER:$USER_PASSWORD" | chpasswd gpasswd -a $USER wheel gpasswd -a $USER network gpasswd -a $USER video gpasswd -a $USER libvirt gpasswd -a $USER netdev gpasswd -a $USER adm gpasswd -a $USER video echo "$USER ALL=(ALL) ALL" >/etc/sudoers echo "root ALL=(ALL) ALL" >>/etc/sudoers echo echo "Setting ROOT Password:" echo "root:$ROOT_PASSWORD" | chpasswd /usr/bin/hostnamectl set-hostname $ROOT_NAME } btrfs-tweaks() { DISABLE_COW=("/var/lib/docker" "/var/lib/containers" "/volumes" "/var/lib/mysql" "/var/lib/libvirt") for i in "${DISABLE_COW[@]}"; do chattr -R +C $i done } initialize-disk() { parted /dev/$HARD_DISK mklabel gpt parted -a optimal /dev/$HARD_DISK mkpart primary fat32 1MiB 200MiB parted -a optimal /dev/$HARD_DISK mkpart primary ext3 200MiB 700MiB parted -a optimal /dev/$HARD_DISK set 1 esp on parted -a optimal /dev/$HARD_DISK mkpart P2 ext3 700MiB $ROOT_PARTITION_SIZE parted -a optimal /dev/$HARD_DISK mkpart P2 ext3 $ROOT_PARTITION_SIZE 100% partitionDetection echo echo "Formatting....." echo y | mkfs.btrfs $BTRFS --force echo "Formatting $EFI" echo echo y | mkfs.vfat $EFI echo "Formatting $BOOT" echo y | mkfs.ext4 $BOOT echo echo "Initialize Complete. Please reboot your machine to avoid any issues" echo } wifi() { iwctl --passphrase $WIRELESS_PASSWORD station $WIRELESS_INTERFACE connect $SSID } show-help() { clear echo echo "[gentoo.sh arguments]" echo echo "./gentoo.sh wifi" echo "./gentoo.sh bootloader [disk] [ROOT_NAME] [ROOT_MAPPER_NAME]" echo "./gentoo.sh initialize" echo "./gentoo.sh tar [device name] [location]" echo "./gentoo.sh snapshot" echo "./gentoo.sh reomve-snapshot" echo "./gentoo.sh btrfs-tweaks" echo } tweaks() { clear echo echo "Gentoo Installer System Tweaks]" echo echo "[1] Reinstall Bootloader" echo "[2] Chroot into existing OS" echo "[3] Compile the Kernel" echo read -p 'Your Choice: ' choice if [[ $choice = 1 ]]; then set-devices bootloader $HARD_DISK $ROOT_NAME $BTRFS elif [[ $choice = 2 ]]; then set-devices systemMounts /usr/bin/chroot $TARGET /bin/bash elif [[ $choice = 3 ]]; then compile-kernel else tweaks fi } menu() { clear echo echo "[Welcome to the Poster.place Gentoo Installer System]" echo echo "[1] Setup Disk" echo "[2] Download Gentoo Installation Files" echo "[3] Install Base System" echo "[4] Install Desktop Environment and Packages" echo "[5] Install the bootloader and User Accounts" echo "[6] Backup" echo "[7] Restore" echo "[8] Tools and Tweaks" echo "[9] Initialize Disk" echo read -p 'Your Choice: ' choice if [[ $choice = 1 ]]; then set-devices read -p "Press enter key to Continue" menu elif [[ $choice = 2 ]]; then clear echo "[Choose Deployment Type]" echo echo read -p 'Desktop or Server : ' -e -i 'desktop' INSTALL_TYPE if [[ $INSTALL_TYPE = *desktop* ]]; then USE_FLAGS=$DESKTOP_USE_FLAGS PACKAGES=$BASE_PACKAGES$DESKTOP_PACKAGES INSTALL_TYPE="desktop" else USE_FLAGS=$SERVER_USE_FLAGS PACKAGES=$BASE_PACKAGES INSTALL_TYPE="server" fi set-devices STAGE3_URL=$(curl https://www.gentoo.org/downloads/ | grep -i stage3-amd64-systemd | head -1 | cut -d '"' -f2-3 | cut -d '"' -f1) wget -O /tmp/stage3.tar.xz "$STAGE3_URL" STAGE3_FILE="/tmp/stage3.tar.xz" if [ -f "$STAGE3_FILE" ]; then echo echo echo "Extracting Tar File.........." echo echo systemMounts tar xf $STAGE3_FILE -C $TARGET/ fstab sed -i "s/-O2/-march=$CPU_TYPE -O2/i" $TARGET/etc/portage/make.conf if [ -z "$DISTCC_LISTEN" ]; then echo echo "Not using DistCC" echo echo "MAKEOPTS=\"$MAKEOPTS\"" >>$TARGET/etc/portage/make.conf else echo echo "Using DistCC" echo MAKEOPTS="-j30 -l$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i processor | grep -vi 'model' | wc -l)" echo "MAKEOPTS=\"$MAKEOPTS\"" >>$TARGET/etc/portage/make.conf echo "FEATURES=\"distcc\"" >>$TARGET/etc/portage/make.conf echo "L10N=\"en en-US\"" >>$TARGET/etc/portage/make.conf fi echo "VIDEO_CARDS=\"amdgpu radeon radeonsi fbdev intel vesa nvidia-drivers\"" >>$TARGET/etc/portage/make.conf echo "USE=\"$USE_FLAGS\"" >>$TARGET/etc/portage/make.conf echo 'EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--jobs 10"' >>$TARGET/etc/portage/make.conf echo 'ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="amd64"' >>$TARGET/etc/portage/make.conf cp -f /etc/resolv.conf $TARGET/etc/ mkdir -p $TARGET/var/tmp/portage cp -f gentoo.sh $TARGET/usr/bin/ fi read -p "Press enter key to Continue" menu elif [[ $choice = 3 ]]; then clear echo "[Install Base System]" echo echo read -p 'Desktop or Server : ' -e -i 'desktop' INSTALL_TYPE if [[ $INSTALL_TYPE = *desktop* ]]; then USE_FLAGS=$DESKTOP_USE_FLAGS PACKAGES=$BASE_PACKAGES$DESKTOP_PACKAGES INSTALL_TYPE="desktop" else USE_FLAGS=$SERVER_USE_FLAGS PACKAGES=$BASE_PACKAGES INSTALL_TYPE="server" fi set-devices buildGentoo read -p "Press enter key to Continue" menu elif [[ $choice = 4 ]]; then set-devices finishInstall "$HARD_DISK" read -p "Press enter key to Continue" menu elif [[ $choice = 5 ]]; then set-devices cp -f gentoo.sh $TARGET/usr/bin/gentoo.sh if [ ! -f "$TARGET/usr/bin/gentoo.sh" ]; then echo echo "Error: $TARGET/usr/bin/gentoo.sh not found!" echo exit 1 fi echo "bash /usr/bin/gentoo.sh bootloader $1 $ROOT_NAME $BTRFS" >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo 'bash /usr/bin/gentoo.sh grub-snapshots' >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo 'bash /usr/bin/gentoo.sh accounts' >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo 'bash /usr/bin/gentoo.sh desktop' >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo 'bash /usr/bin/gentoo.sh btrfs-tweaks' >>$TARGET/setup.sh auto_login chmod +x $TARGET/usr/bin/gentoo.sh chmod +x $TARGET/setup.sh chroot $TARGET /setup.sh if [[ $INSTALL_TYPE = *server* ]]; then chroot $TARGET /usr/bin/gentoo.sh nvidia chroot $TARGET /usr/bin/gentoo.sh cockpit fi rm -f $TARGET/setup.sh read -p "Press enter key to Continue" menu elif [[ $choice = 6 ]]; then clear echo "[Backup OS]" echo read -p 'Backup Home Directory? : ' -e -i 'n' home_backup read -p 'OS Backup Directory Location : ' -e -i "/mnt" backup_directory if [[ $home_backup = *n* ]]; then os-backup "none" "$backup_directory" "$ROOT_NAME" else os-backup "home" "$backup_directory" "$ROOT_NAME" fi elif [[ $choice = 7 ]]; then clear echo "[Restore from Backup]" echo echo rm -f /tmp/disk set-devices read -p 'Hostname for Restore: ' -e -i "gentoo" HOSTNAME read -p 'Restore Directory Image Source: ' -e -i "/mnt" restore_directory FILE_SCAN=$(ls $restore_directory/gentoo-$HOSTNAME-* | tail -1) read -p 'Restore Home Directory? : ' -e -i 'n' home_restore read -p 'Backup file name to restore: ' -e -i "$FILE_SCAN" backup_name if [[ $home_restore = *n* ]]; then os-restore "$HARD_DISK" "$backup_name" "none" "$restore_directory" "$BTRFS" else os-restore "$HARD_DISK" "$backup_name" "home" "$restore_directory" "$BTRFS" fi elif [[ $choice = 8 ]]; then tweaks elif [[ $choice = 9 ]]; then clear echo "[Initialize Disk]" echo echo set-devices initialize-disk read -p "Press enter key to Continue" menu else menu fi } set-devices() { if [ -f "/tmp/disk" ]; then HARD_DISK=$(cat /tmp/disk | head -1) ROOT_NAME=$(cat /tmp/disk | tail -1) else i=0 while [ $i != "n" ]; do clear echo echo "Disks and Partitions:" echo cat /proc/partitions echo echo "Erase the line and press enter to skip to the next detected disk" echo i=$(expr $i + 1) read -p 'Disk Device to Use: ' -e -i $(lsblk | grep -i disk | grep -Evi 'zram|swap' | cut -d ' ' -f1 | head -$i | tail -1) device if [[ ! -z $device ]]; then i="n" fi done read -p 'BTRFS Root Volume name: ' -e -i "gentoo" root_name HARD_DISK=$device ROOT_NAME=$root_name echo $HARD_DISK >/tmp/disk echo $ROOT_NAME >>/tmp/disk fi partitionDetection } compile-kernel() { cd /usr/src/linux #echo y | make localmodconfig time make -j30 CC="distcc gcc" time make -j30 CC="distcc gcc" modules_install time make install #dracut --kver "$(eselect kernel list | grep \* | cut -d '-' -f2-3 | sed 's/\*//' | sed 's/ //g')-gentoo-dist" --force grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg } if [ "$1" = "desktop" ]; then desktop elif [ "$1" = "tar" ]; then create-os-snapshots "$3" "$2" elif [ "$1" = "upgrade-system" ]; then upgrade-system elif [ "$1" = "wifi" ]; then wifi elif [ "$1" = "accounts" ]; then accounts elif [ "$1" = "hibernate" ]; then hibernate-setup elif [ "$1" = "flatpaks" ]; then flatpaks elif [ "$1" = "bootloader" ]; then bootloader "$2" "$3" "$4" elif [ "$1" = "snapshot" ]; then snapshots elif [ "$1" = "steam" ]; then installSteam elif [ "$1" = "grub-snapshots" ]; then grub-snapshots elif [ "$1" = "cockpit" ]; then installCockpit elif [ "$1" = "btrfs-tweaks" ]; then btrfs-tweaks elif [ "$1" = "compile-kernel" ]; then compile-kernel elif [ "$1" = "firmware" ]; then firmware elif [ "$1" = "remove-snapshot" ]; then remove-snapshots elif [ "$1" = "help" ]; then show-help else menu fi