#!/bin/bash ######################## # What this script is: # # An automatic installer for Debian Stable with the following features: # 1. BTRFS with Grub Snapshots # 2. Full-disk-encryption # 3. Hibernation # 4. GNOME or KDE Desktop # 5. The ability to build a custom and deployable image onto any machine # 6. Easily create a bootable USB drive # 7. Automatic Partitioning # 8. Bypass entering encrypted disk password at boot time if desired # # INSTRUCTIONS # # For new disk installs, initialize the disk to setup Encryption and partitions from the main menu. # # Before running the install, ensure that you have Internet access. # # Please be sure to change USER,USER_PASSWORD,DISK_PASSWORD, and ROOT_PASSWORD strings in this file # # To install a new OS to a disk, run debian.sh and choose option 1 from the main menu # ######################## #Configure this section ######################## PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive TARGET='/install' mkdir $TARGET ###################################### echo HARD_DISK=$2 ###################################### USER="user" USER_PASSWORD="123456" ROOT_PASSWORD="123456" WIRELESS_PASSWORD='123456' SSID='wifi' WIRELESS_INTERFACE='wlan0' DISK_PASSWORD='123456' COMPRESSION='compress=zstd:10' AUTO_DECRYPT='True' FLATPAKS+=(io.exodus.Exodus) DESKTOP="KDE" #Packages :x