#!/bin/bash ######################## # INSTRUCTIONS # For new disk installs, initialize the disk to setup Encryption and partitions: # ./debian.sh initialize nvme0n1 (DO NOT SPECIFY /dev/ !) # # Before running the install, ensure that you have Internet access. If you modify the # WIRELESS_PASSWORD and SSID in this file, you can connect to the Internet with: # ./debian.sh wifi # # Plesae be sure to change USER,USER_PASSWORD,DISK_PASSWORD, and ROOT_PASSWORD strings in this file # # To install/reinstall the OS: # ./debian.sh install nvme0n1 # # reboot ######################## #Configure this section ######################## PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive TARGET='/install' mkdir $TARGET ###################################### echo HARD_DISK=$2 EFI="/dev/$(lsblk | grep $HARD_DISK | head -2 | tail -1 | cut -c 7-20 | cut -d ' ' -f1)" BTRFS="/dev/$(lsblk | grep $HARD_DISK | head -4 | tail -1 | cut -c 7-20 | cut -d ' ' -f1)" BOOT="/dev/$(lsblk | grep $HARD_DISK | head -3 | tail -1 | cut -c 7-20 | cut -d ' ' -f1)" ROOT_NAME='debian' USB_BACKUP='/dev/disk/by-uuid/1a143f83-d4fe-4894-8e67-2b6d3baacea6' ###################################### USER="123456" USER_PASSWORD="123456" ROOT_PASSWORD="123456" WIRELESS_PASSWORD='123456' SSID='123456' WIRELESS_INTERFACE='wlan0' DISK_PASSWORD='123456' COMPRESSION='compress=zlib:9' FLATPAKS+=( app/net.brinkervii.grapejuice app/org.gnome.Photos app/org.mozilla.firefox org.gnome.Evolution app/com.vscodium.codium app/org.libreoffice.LibreOffice org.gajim.Gajim org.gajim.Gajim.Plugin.omemo org.telegram.desktop app/im.riot.Riot app/io.mpv.Mpv app/org.gimp.GIMP fr.handbrake.ghb org.kde.kdenlive ) #Packages SHARED_DESKTOP_APPS=" gnome-core yt-dlp " PACKAGES=" zram-tools systemd-zram-generator samba samba-common nfs-common nfs-kernel-server linux-cpupower locales syncthing redis aardvark-dns cockpit cockpit-machines cockpit-podman flatpak powertop blueman cups acpi packagekit cockpit-packagekit cockpit-pcp cockpit-storaged acpid podman podman-compose pulseaudio aardvark-dns ghostscript cifs-utils ntp vim-airline rsync screen base udev git network-manager efibootmgr linux-headers-amd64 cryptsetup network-manager-openvpn ntp screen docbook-xsl alsa-utils sysstat postgresql redis neofetch podman-toolbox fuse3 build-essential unzip bash-completion parted dosfstools wget curl " VIRTUALIZATION=" virt-manager qemu-system libvirt-daemon-system ovmf " PACKAGES=$PACKAGES$SHARED_DESKTOP_APPS$VIRTUALIZATION SERVICES+=( powertop ); auto_login(){ sed -i "/#WaylandEnable=false/a AutomaticLoginEnable=True" $TARGET/etc/gdm3/daemon.conf sed -i "/True/a AutomaticLogin=$USER" $TARGET/etc/gdm3/daemon.conf } clean-old-usb-snapshots(){ echo;echo "[Cleaning up old USB snapshots.....]";echo btrfs sub delete $TARGET/$ROOT_NAME-$1 echo;echo "[Cleaning up old EFI data.....]";echo rm -rf $TARGET/efi-$1 } clean-old-snapshots() { echo;echo "[Cleaning up old snapshots.....]";echo btrfs sub delete /.snapshots/$ROOT_NAME-$1 } create-usb-snapshots(){ echo;echo "[Creating new snapshots.....]";echo btrfs sub snap -r / /.snapshots/$ROOT_NAME-$1 } send-snapshots(){ echo;echo "[Sending snapshot to $USB_BACKUP]";echo btrfs send /.snapshots/$ROOT_NAME-$1 | btrfs receive $TARGET } copy-efi-to-usb(){ echo;echo "[Copying EFI data....]";echo mkdir $TARGET/efi-$1 mkdir $TARGET/$1 cp -rf /boot/* $TARGET/efi-$1/ } homeBackup() { echo;echo "[Copying USER data....]";echo rsync -av --delete /home/ $TARGET/home/ } usb-backup() { umount $TARGET echo;echo "[Mounting $USB_BACKUP]";echo mount $USB_BACKUP $TARGET homeBackup clean-old-snapshots "$1" clean-old-usb-snapshots "$1" create-usb-snapshots "$1" send-snapshots "$1" clean-old-snapshots "$1" copy-efi-to-usb "$1" cp -f /usr/bin/debian.sh $TARGET/$1 ls $TARGET/ umount $TARGET } usb-restore() { partitions rsync -av ../$ROOT_NAME-$2/ $TARGET/ --exclude=/home --delete cp -rf ../efi-$2/* $TARGET/boot/ fstab cp -f debian.sh $TARGET/ systemMounts chroot $TARGET /debian.sh bootloader $1 chroot $TARGET /debian.sh btrfs-tweaks rm -f $TARGET/debian.sh unmount } systemMounts(){ mount -o bind /dev $TARGET/dev mount -o bind /dev/pts $TARGET/dev/pts mount -o bind /proc $TARGET/proc mount -o bind /sys $TARGET/sys } install() { partitions sed -i '/^SigLevel/s/^\(.*\)$/#\1\n/' /etc/pacman.conf sed -i '/#SigLevel/a SigLevel = Never' /etc/pacman.conf pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring debootstrap --noconfirm apt update;apt install debootstrap -y rm -rf /debootstrap debootstrap --arch amd64 sid $TARGET https://deb.debian.org/debian systemMounts cp -f /etc/resolv.conf $TARGET/etc/ echo "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" > $TARGET/setup.sh echo "deb https://deb.debian.org/debian sid main contrib non-free" >>$TARGET/etc/apt/sources.list chroot $TARGET /usr/bin/apt update chroot $TARGET /usr/bin/bash -c "export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive;/usr/bin/apt install -y $PACKAGES" locale accounts auto_login zram custom_service_files services btrfs-tweaks cpuPower setup_script "$1" unmount } desktop(){ systemctl disable --now exim4 systemctl disable --now cockpit.socket systemctl disable --now redis-server systemctl disable --now postgresql apt remove firefox-esr -y } snapshots() { echo echo "Creating Snapshots....." echo DATE=$(echo $(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)) btrfs sub snapshot / /.snapshots/root-${DATE} update-grub } remove-snapshots() { btrfs sub delete /.snapshots/* rm -f /boot/loader/entries/root-* } enter_chroot() { printf "$DISK_PASSWORD" | cryptsetup open ${BTRFS} root mounts systemMounts chroot $TARGET /bin/bash } flatpaks() { flatpak remote-add --user --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo for i in "${FLATPAKS[@]}"; do echo $i flatpak install $i -y done } grub-snapshots(){ cd /opt git clone https://github.com/Antynea/grub-btrfs.git cd /opt/grub-btrfs make } kernel-packages(){ /usr/bin/apt install --reinstall -y linux-image-`ls /lib/modules/` grub-efi efibootmgr plymouth plymouth-themes btrfs-progs cryptsetup-initramfs linux-image-amd64 linux-headers-amd64 firmware-iwlwifi firmware-linux firmware-linux-nonfree } bootloader() { echo "root UUID=$(/sbin/blkid | grep $BTRFS | cut -d '"' -f2) none luks" > /etc/crypttab /sbin/update-initramfs -c -k all echo "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"quiet splash\"" >/etc/default/grub echo "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=cryptdevice=UUID=$(/sbin/blkid | grep $BTRFS | cut -d '"' -f2):root root=UUID=$(/sbin/blkid | grep root | cut -d '"' -f4) rootflags=subvol@${ROOT_NAME} mitigations=-off" >>/etc/default/grub echo "GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y" >>/etc/default/grub /sbin/grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot/efi --bootloader-id=${ROOT_NAME} /sbin/update-grub } function setup_script() { cp -f debian.sh $TARGET/usr/bin/ echo 'bash /usr/bin/debian.sh kernel-packages' >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo "bash /usr/bin/debian.sh bootloader $1" >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo 'bash /usr/bin/debian.sh grub-snapshots' >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo 'bash /usr/bin/debian.sh desktop' >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo 'bash /usr/bin/debian.sh btrfs-tweaks' >>$TARGET/setup.sh chmod +x $TARGET/usr/bin/debian.sh chmod +x $TARGET/setup.sh chroot $TARGET /setup.sh rm -f $TARGET/setup.sh } btrfs_filesytem() { btrfs sub create $TARGET/@$ROOT_NAME btrfs sub create $TARGET/@.snapshots btrfs sub create $TARGET/@libvirt btrfs sub create $TARGET/@home btrfs sub create $TARGET/@root btrfs sub create $TARGET/@postgres btrfs sub create $TARGET/@containers echo echo "Binding BTRFS Root" echo umount $TARGET mount -o $COMPRESSION,subvol=@$ROOT_NAME /dev/mapper/root $TARGET } mounts() { echo echo "Mounting......." mount /dev/mapper/root $TARGET btrfs_filesytem mkdir -p $TARGET/boot mount -t ext4 $BOOT $TARGET/boot mkdir -p $TARGET/boot/efi mount $EFI $TARGET/boot/efi #CONFIGURE DATA DIRS (HOME) mkdir $TARGET/home mount -o subvol=@home /dev/mapper/root $TARGET/home } unmount() { echo echo "Unmounting....." umount $TARGET/proc umount $TARGET/dev umount $TARGET/sys umount $TARGET/boot umount $TARGET/home umount -R $TARGET/* umount -R $TARGET umount -R $TARGET } locale() { echo "ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/US/Mountain /etc/localtime" >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo "hwclock --systohc" >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >$TARGET/etc/locale.gen echo "locale-gen" >>$TARGET/setup.sh } partitions() { echo echo "Setting Up Partitions....." printf "$DISK_PASSWORD" | cryptsetup open ${BTRFS} root unmount echo echo "Formatting $EFI" echo echo y | mkfs.vfat $EFI echo "Formatting $BOOT" echo y | mkfs.ext4 $BOOT mounts #Configure /etc/fstab fstab } fstab() { mkdir $TARGET/etc echo "UUID=$(/sbin/blkid | grep ${BOOT} | cut -d '"' -f2) /boot ext4 defaults 0 1" >$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "UUID=$(/sbin/blkid | grep ${EFI} | cut -d '"' -f4) /boot/efi vfat umask=0077 0 1" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "/dev/mapper/root / btrfs noatime,nodiratime,autodefrag,$COMPRESSION,subvol=@$ROOT_NAME 0 1" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "/dev/mapper/root /.snapshots btrfs noatime,nodiratime,autodefrag,$COMPRESSION,subvol=@.snapshots 0 1" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "/dev/mapper/root /var/lib/libvirt btrfs noatime,nodiratime,autodefrag,$COMPRESSION,subvol=@libvirt 0 1" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "tmpfs /var/log tmpfs defaults 0 0" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "tmpfs /var/cache/pacman/pkg tmpfs defaults 0 0" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "/dev/mapper/root /home btrfs noatime,nodiratime,autodefrag,$COMPRESSION,subvol=@home 0 1" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "/dev/mapper/root /root btrfs noatime,nodiratime,autodefrag,$COMPRESSION,subvol=@root 0 1" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "/dev/mapper/root /var/lib/postgresql btrfs noatime,nodiratime,autodefrag,$COMPRESSION,subvol=@postgres 0 1" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab echo "/dev/mapper/root /var/lib/containers btrfs noatime,nodiratime,autodefrag,$COMPRESSION,subvol=@containers 0 1" >>$TARGET/etc/fstab } accounts() { echo echo "Set Password for $USER" echo "useradd -m -s /bin/bash $USER" >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo "echo \"$USER:$USER_PASSWORD\"| chpasswd " >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo "gpasswd -a $USER wheel" >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo "gpasswd -a $USER network" >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo "gpasswd -a $USER video" >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo "gpasswd -a $USER libvirt" >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo "gpasswd -a $USER netdev" >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo "$USER ALL=(ALL) ALL" >$TARGET/etc/sudoers echo "root ALL=(ALL) ALL" >>$TARGET/etc/sudoers echo echo "Setting ROOT Password:" echo "echo \"root:$ROOT_PASSWORD\"| chpasswd " >>$TARGET/setup.sh #Change Shell to ZSH #echo "printf "$USER_PASSWORD" | chsh -s /bin/zsh $USER" >>$TARGET/setup.sh #echo "printf "$ROOT_PASSWORD" | chsh -s /bin/zsh " >>$TARGET/setup.sh } btrfs-tweaks() { DISABLE_COW=("/var/lib/docker" "/var/lib/containers" "/var/lib/postgresql" "/var/lib/mysql" "/var/lib/libvirt"); for i in "${DISABLE_COW[@]}" do chattr -R +C $i done } custom_service_files() { echo "systemctl set-default graphical.target" >>$TARGET/setup.sh echo "[Unit]" >$TARGET/etc/systemd/system/powertop.service echo "Description=Powertop tunings" >>$TARGET/etc/systemd/system/powertop.service echo "[Service]" >>$TARGET/etc/systemd/system/powertop.service echo "Type=oneshot" >>$TARGET/etc/systemd/system/powertop.service echo "ExecStart=/usr/sbin/powertop --auto-tune" >>$TARGET/etc/systemd/system/powertop.service echo "[Install]" >>$TARGET/etc/systemd/system/powertop.service echo "WantedBy=multi-user.target" >>$TARGET/etc/systemd/system/powertop.service } services() { for i in "${SERVICES[@]}" do echo "systemctl enable $i" >>$TARGET/setup.sh done } initialize-disk() { parted /dev/$HARD_DISK mklabel gpt parted /dev/$HARD_DISK mkpart primary fat32 1MiB 200MiB parted /dev/$HARD_DISK mkpart primary ext3 200MiB 500MiB parted /dev/$HARD_DISK set 1 esp on parted /dev/$HARD_DISK mkpart P2 ext3 500MiB 100% printf "$DISK_PASSWORD\n$DISK_PASSWORD" | cryptsetup luksFormat ${BTRFS} printf "$DISK_PASSWORD" | cryptsetup open ${BTRFS} root echo echo "Formatting....." echo y | mkfs.btrfs /dev/mapper/root --force } wifi() { iwctl --passphrase $WIRELESS_PASSWORD station $WIRELESS_INTERFACE connect $SSID } zram() { echo -e "ALGO=zstd\nPERCENT=60" | sudo tee -a $TARGET/etc/default/zramswap } show-help() { echo echo "debian.sh arguments:" echo echo "./debian.sh install [disk]" echo "./debian.sh backup [device name]" echo "./debian.sh restore [disk] [backup name]" echo "./debian.sh chroot [disk]" echo "./debian.sh wifi" echo "./debian.sh bootloader [disk]" echo "./debian.sh initialize [disk]" echo "./debian.sh snapshot" echo "./debian.sh reomve-snapshot" echo "./debian.sh btrfs-tweaks" echo } if [ "$1" = "install" ]; then install "$2" elif [ "$1" = "desktop" ]; then desktop elif [ "$1" = "kernel-packages" ]; then kernel-packages elif [ "$1" = "upgrade-system" ]; then upgrade-system elif [ "$1" = "chroot" ]; then enter_chroot elif [ "$1" = "initialize" ]; then initialize-disk elif [ "$1" = "wifi" ]; then wifi elif [ "$1" = "flatpaks" ]; then flatpaks elif [ "$1" = "bootloader" ]; then bootloader elif [ "$1" = "snapshot" ]; then snapshots elif [ "$1" = "backup" ]; then usb-backup "$2" elif [ "$1" = "grub-snapshots" ]; then grub-snapshots elif [ "$1" = "btrfs-tweaks" ]; then btrfs-tweaks elif [ "$1" = "restore" ]; then usb-restore "$2" "$3" elif [ "$1" = "remove-snapshot" ]; then remove-snapshots elif [ "$1" = "help" ]; then show-help else show-help fi