2024-09-24 19:43:13 -06:00
### Prerequisites
1. NFT
2. Redis
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### Install
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* ```cd /opt```
* ```git clone https://git.poster.place/verita84/firewall```
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* ```cp firewall.service /etc/systemd/system```
* ```systemctl enable --now firewall```
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### Configure Redis Schema
```bash firewall.sh import-db```
### Configure firewall.sh
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* Edit the ```portConfig``` variables to allow ports
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* Modify ```NGINX_ACCESS``` to point to your NGINX config file
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### Add Detection by the Minute via Cron
*/1 * * * * bash /opt/firewall/firewall.sh attacker-protection
*/5 * * * * bash /opt/firewall/firewall.sh forgive