const http = require('http'); const https = require('https'); const fs = require('fs'); const net = require('net'); const tls = require('tls'); const multer = require('multer'); const express = require('express'); const Moment = require('moment'); const async = require('async'); const superagent = require('superagent'); const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); const { forOwn } = require('lodash'); const { parse } = require('path'); const { exec } = require('child_process'); const version = "3.0.11" const bootstrap = { status: 1 }; const functions = { name: [] }; let total_nodes = 0; let config; let config_file; if (process.env.PICLUSTER_CONFIG) { config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(process.env.PICLUSTER_CONFIG, 'utf8')); config_file = process.env.PICLUSTER_CONFIG; } else { config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('../config.json', 'utf8')); config_file = '../config.json'; } if (config.ssl_self_signed) { process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0'; } const app = express(); app.use(express.json({ limit: '20mb' })); const upload = multer({ dest: '../' }); const scheme = config.ssl ? 'https://' : 'http://'; const ssl_self_signed = config.ssl_self_signed === false; const server = config.web_connect; let { rsyslog_host } = config; const { server_port } = config; const { agent_port } = config; let log = ''; let { token } = config; let dockerFolder = config.docker; const container_faillog = []; const picluster_release = '2.6'; if (config.loadbalancer) { configure_loadbalancer(); } if (config.elasticsearch) { const mapping = { settings: { index: { number_of_shards: 3, number_of_replicas: 2 } }, mappings: { 'picluster-logging': { properties: { date: { type: 'date', index: 'true', }, data: { type: 'keyword', index: 'true' } } } } }; const monitoring_mapping = { settings: { index: { number_of_shards: 3, number_of_replicas: 2 } }, mappings: { 'picluster-monitoring': { properties: { date: { type: 'date', index: 'true' }, cpu: { type: 'double', index: 'true' }, node: { type: 'text', index: 'true' }, memory: { type: 'double', index: 'true' }, network_tx: { type: 'double', index: 'true' }, network_rx: { type: 'double', index: 'true' }, disk: { type: 'double', index: 'true' }, total_running_containers: { type: 'double', index: 'true' } } } } }; create_es_mappings(mapping, 'picluster-logging'); create_es_mappings(monitoring_mapping, 'picluster-monitoring'); } //templates /** superagent .get(`${scheme}${node}:${agent_port}/node-status`) .query({ token: token }) .end((error, response) => { }); superagent .post(`${scheme}${server}:${server_port}/updateconfig`) .send({ token: token, payload }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { }); */ function create_es_mappings(mapping, index) { superagent .put(config.elasticsearch + '/' + index) .send(mapping) .set('accept', 'json') // .set('Authorization', 'ApiKey Ui1YYTFYb0JvcUN3M1lvSlBvX0E6Rl9PamI2aU1RM1NvV2xwTHQ0bFpuQQ') .end((error, response) => { console.log('\nCreating Elasticsearch Map......'); if (error) { console.log(error); } else { console.log(response.text); } }); } if (config.automatic_heartbeat) { if (config.automatic_heartbeat.indexOf('enabled') > -1) { if (config.heartbeat_interval) { console.log('\nAutomatic Heartbeat Enabled. Will check every: ' + config.heartbeat_interval + ' ms.'); automatic_heartbeat(); } else { console.log('\nAutomatic Heartbeat Disabled: heartbeat_interval is not set.'); } } else { console.log('\nAutomatic Heartbeat Disabled.'); } } else { console.log('\nAutomatic Heartbeat Disabled.'); } function automatic_heartbeat() { if (config.automatic_heartbeat.indexOf('enabled') > -1) { setTimeout(() => { superagent .get(`${scheme}${server}:${server_port}/hb`) .query({ token: token }) .end((error, response) => { if (error) { console.log(error); } }); automatic_heartbeat(); }, config.heartbeat_interval); } else { console.log('\nAutomatic Heartbeat Disabled.'); } } app.get('/clear-functions', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { Object.keys(, i) => { delete_function([i].name,[i].host); remove_function_data([i].uuid); }); res.end('Sent request to remove stale functions.'); } });'/bootstrap', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.body.token; const { host } = req.body; let statusCode = 0; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials or missing parameters.'); } else { if (bootstrap.status === 1) { let proceed = 1; Object.keys(config.layout).forEach((get_node, i) => { if (config.layout[i].node.indexOf(host) > -1) { proceed = 0; } }); if (proceed) { config.layout.push({ node: host }); config.hb.push({ node: host }); superagent .post(`${scheme}${server}:${server_port}/updateconfig`) .send({ token, payload: JSON.stringify(config) }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { res.end('An error occurred: ' + error); } else { bootstrap.status = 1; console.log('\nAdded node: ' + host + ' to the cluster.'); statusCode = 1; } }); } else { bootstrap.status = 1; console.log('\nnode: ' + host + ' is already part of the cluster.'); statusCode = 2; } } else { console.log('\nAnother bootstrap process is already running. Please try again later.'); statusCode = 0; } res.end(JSON.stringify({ output: statusCode })); } });'/function', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.body.token; const { output } = req.body; const { uuid } = req.body; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token) || (!uuid)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials or missing parameters.'); } else { Object.keys(, i) => { if ([i].uuid.toString().indexOf(uuid.toString()) > -1) {[i].output = output; delete_function([i].name,[i].host); res.end(''); } }); } }); app.get('/function', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; const name = req.query.function; const min = 1; const max = 9999999; const uuid = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; const min_node = 0; const max_node = total_nodes - 1; const node_number = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max_node - min_node + 1)) + min_node; const host = config.layout[node_number].node; const { container_args } = req.query; const function_data = { uuid, name: name + '-' + uuid, output: '', host }; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token) || (!name)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials or parameters.'); } else {; create_function(name + '-' + uuid, uuid, host, container_args); res.end(scheme + server + ':' + server_port + '/getfunction?token=' + token + '&uuid=' + uuid); } }); function remove_function_data(uuid) { Object.keys(, i) => { if ([i].uuid.toString().indexOf(uuid.toString()) > -1) {[i].name = '';[i].output = '';[i].uuid = '';[i].host = ''; } }); } app.get('/getfunction', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; const { uuid } = req.query; let output = ''; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token) || (!uuid)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials or parameters.'); } else { Object.keys(, i) => { if (([i].uuid.toString().indexOf(uuid.toString()) > -1 &&[i].output.length > 1)) { output =[i].output; remove_function_data(uuid); } }); res.end(output); } }); function create_function(name, uuid, host, user_container_args) { let container_args = '-e UUID=' + uuid + ' -e TOKEN=' + token + ' -e SERVER=' + scheme + server + ':' + server_port; const container = name; if (user_container_args) { container_args = user_container_args + ' ' + container_args; } migrate(container, host, host, container_args, uuid); } app.get('/clearlog', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { log = ''; res.end(); } }); app.get('/nodes', (req, res) => { const node_metrics = { version, data: [], functions, function_server: `${scheme}${server}:${server_port}/getfunction` }; function addData(data) {; } function getData() { let total_node_count = 0; let total_containers = 0; const node_list = []; const container_list = []; for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { for (const key in config.layout[i]) { if (config.layout[i].hasOwnProperty(key)) { const { node } = config.layout[i]; const node_info = config.layout[i][key]; if (node_info === node) { total_node_count++; node_list.push(node); } else { total_containers++; container_list.push(key); } } } } node_metrics.total_containers = total_containers; node_metrics.total_nodes = total_node_count; node_metrics.container_list = container_list; node_metrics.nodes = node_list; total_nodes = total_node_count; return node_metrics; } const check_token = req.query.token; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { config.layout.forEach(get_node => { const { node } = get_node; if (!node) { console.error('Invalid Config for node', get_node); return; } superagent .get(`${scheme}${node}:${agent_port}/node-status`) .query({ token: token }) .end((error, response) => { if (error) { console.error(error); } else { try { const check = JSON.parse(response.text); if (check.cpu_percent > 0) { addData(check); if (config.elasticsearch) { elasticsearch_monitoring(check.cpu_percent / check.cpu_cores, check.hostname, check.disk_percentage, check.memory_percentage, check.total_running_containers, check.network_rx, check.network_tx); } } } catch (error2) { console.log('\nError gathering monitoring metrics: Invalid JSON or Credentials!' + error2); } } }); }); setTimeout(() => { res.json(getData()); }, 3000); } }); function addLog(data) { log += data; if (config.elasticsearch) { elasticsearch(JSON.stringify(log)); } } app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.end('PiCluster Server v' + picluster_release); }); app.get('/manage-image', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; const { operation } = req.query; let docker_command = ''; let container = ''; let command_log = ''; const url = []; const what = []; const { no_cache } = req.query; if (req.query.container) { container = req.query.container; } if (container.indexOf('*') > -1 || container.length === 0) { container = '*'; } if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { Object.keys(config.layout).forEach((get_node, i) => { Object.keys(config.layout[i]).forEach(key => { const { node } = config.layout[i]; if ((!config.layout[i].hasOwnProperty(key) || key.indexOf('node') > -1)) { return; } const make_url = `${scheme}${node}:${agent_port}/run`; if (container.indexOf('*') > -1 || container.indexOf(key) > -1) { what.push(key); url.push(make_url); } }); }); let i = 0; async.eachSeries(url, (url, cb) => { if (operation === 'rm') { docker_command = 'docker image rm ' + what[i]; } if (operation === 'build' && no_cache === '1') { docker_command = 'docker image build --no-cache ' + dockerFolder + '/' + what[i] + ' -t ' + what[i] + ' -f ' + dockerFolder + '/' + what[i] + '/Dockerfile'; } if (operation === 'build' && no_cache === '0') { docker_command = 'docker image build ' + dockerFolder + '/' + what[i] + ' -t ' + what[i] + ' -f ' + dockerFolder + '/' + what[i] + '/Dockerfile'; } superagent .post(url) .send({ token: token, command: docker_command }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { try { const data = JSON.parse(response.text); command_log += 'Node: ' + data.node + '\n\n' + data.output + '\n\n'; cb(error); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } }); i++; }, err => { if (err) { console.log('\nError: ' + err); } res.end(command_log); }); } }); app.get('/manage', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; const { operation } = req.query; let docker_command = ''; let command_log = ''; let container = ''; const url = []; const what = []; const args = []; if (req.query.container) { container = req.query.container; } if (operation === 'start') { docker_command = 'docker container start'; } if (operation === 'stop') { docker_command = 'docker container stop'; } if (operation === 'rm') { docker_command = 'docker container rm -f'; } if (operation === 'restart') { docker_command = 'docker container restart'; } if (operation === 'logs') { docker_command = 'docker container logs'; } if (operation === 'create') { docker_command = 'docker container run -d --name '; } if (operation === 'commit' && req.query.container) { docker_command = 'su root -s /bin/bash -lc "docker commit $(docker ps | grep -i ' + req.query.container + ' | cut -d \" \" -f1 | tail -1) ' + req.query.container + "\""; } if (container.indexOf('*') > -1 || container.length === 0) { container = '*'; } if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { Object.keys(config.layout).forEach((get_node, i) => { Object.keys(config.layout[i]).forEach(key => { const { node } = config.layout[i]; if ((!config.layout[i].hasOwnProperty(key) || key.indexOf('node') > -1)) { return; } const make_url = `${scheme}${node}:${agent_port}/run`; if (container.indexOf('*') > -1 || container.indexOf(key) > -1) { what.push(key); url.push(make_url); args.push(config.layout[i][key]); } }); }); let i = 0; async.eachSeries(url, (url, cb) => { let command; if (operation === 'create') { command = docker_command + what[i] + ' ' + args[i] + ' ' + what[i]; } else { command = docker_command + ' ' + what[i]; } superagent .post(url) .send({ token: token, command: command }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { try { const data = JSON.parse(response.text); command_log += 'Node: ' + data.node + '\n\n' + data.output + '\n\n'; cb(error); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } }); i++; }, err => { if (err) { console.log('\nError: ' + err); } res.end(command_log); }); } }); function migrate(container, original_host, new_host, original_container_data, uuid) { let existing_automatic_heartbeat_value = ''; if (config.automatic_heartbeat) { existing_automatic_heartbeat_value = config.automatic_heartbeat; if (config.automatic_heartbeat.indexOf('enabled') > -1) { config.automatic_heartbeat = 'disabled'; } } superagent .post(`${scheme}${original_host}:${agent_port}/run`) .send({ token: token, command: 'docker container rm -f ' + container }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { try { let command = ''; if (uuid) { const image_name = container.split('-' + uuid)[0]; command = 'docker image build ' + dockerFolder + '/' + image_name + ' -t ' + image_name + ' -f ' + dockerFolder + '/' + image_name + '/Dockerfile;docker container run -d --name ' + container + ' ' + original_container_data + ' ' + image_name; } else { command = 'docker image build ' + dockerFolder + '/' + container + ' -t ' + container + ' -f ' + dockerFolder + '/' + container + '/Dockerfile;docker container run -d --name ' + container + ' ' + original_container_data + ' ' + container; } superagent .post(`${scheme}${new_host}:${agent_port}/run`) .send({ token: token, command: command }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((second_error, second_response) => { try { if (config.automatic_heartbeat) { if (existing_automatic_heartbeat_value.indexOf('enabled') > -1) { config.automatic_heartbeat = existing_automatic_heartbeat_value; } } } catch (second_error) { addLog('An error has occurred'); console.log('\nError with migration: ' + second_error); } }); } catch (error) { addLog('An error has occurred with migration:'); console.log(error); } }); } app.get('/addhost', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; const { host } = req.query; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { let proceed = 1; for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { if (config.layout[i].node.indexOf(host) > -1) { proceed = 0; } } if (proceed) { config.layout.push({ node: host }); config.hb.push({ node: host }); superagent .post(`${scheme}${server}:${server_port}/updateconfig`) .send({ token: token, payload: JSON.stringify(config) }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { res.end(error); } else { res.end('\nAdded host ' + host + ' to the configuration.'); } }); } else { res.end('\nError: Host already exists'); } } }); function elasticsearch_monitoring(cpu, node, disk, memory, total_running_containers, network_rx, network_tx) { const current_time = new Moment(); superagent .post(config.elasticsearch + '/picluster-monitoring/picluster-monitoring') .send({ date: current_time, cpu, node, disk, memory, network_rx, network_tx, total_running_containers }) .set('accept', 'json') //.set('Authorization', 'ApiKey Ui1YYTFYb0JvcUN3M1lvSlBvX0E6Rl9PamI2aU1RM1NvV2xwTHQ0bFpuQQ') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { console.log(error); } }); } function elasticsearch(data) { const current_time = new Moment(); superagent .post(config.elasticsearch + '/picluster-logging/picluster-logging') .send({ date: current_time, data }) .set('accept', 'json') // .set('Authorization', 'ApiKey Ui1YYTFYb0JvcUN3M1lvSlBvX0E6Rl9PamI2aU1RM1NvV2xwTHQ0bFpuQQ') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { console.log(error); } }); } app.get('/rmhost', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; const { host } = req.query; let hb_proceed = 0; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { // Ensures that the host exists for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { if (config.layout[i].node.indexOf(host) > -1) { config.layout.splice(i, 1); hb_proceed = 1; break; } } } if (hb_proceed) { if (config.hb) { for (let i = 0; i < config.hb.length; i++) { if (config.hb[i].node.indexOf(host) > -1) { config.hb.splice(i, 1); break; } } } } superagent .post(`${scheme}${server}:${server_port}/updateconfig`) .send({ token, payload: JSON.stringify(config) }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { res.end(error); } else { res.end('\nRemoved host ' + host + ' from the configuration.'); } }); }); app.get('/removecontainerconfig', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; const { container } = req.query; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { Object.keys(config.layout).forEach((get_node, i) => { Object.keys(config.layout[i]).forEach(key => { if ((!config.layout[i].hasOwnProperty(key) || key.indexOf('node') > -1)) { return; } if (key.indexOf(container) > -1) { delete config.layout[i][key]; } }); }); if (config.hb) { Object.keys(config.hb).forEach((get_node, i) => { Object.keys(config.hb[i]).forEach(key => { if ((!config.hb[i].hasOwnProperty(key) || key.indexOf('node') > -1)) { return; } if (key.indexOf(container) > -1) { delete config.hb[i][key]; } }); }); } if (config.container_host_constraints) { Object.keys(config.container_host_constraints).forEach((get_node, i) => { Object.keys(config.container_host_constraints[i]).forEach(key => { const analyze = config.container_host_constraints[i][key].split(','); if (container.indexOf(analyze[0]) > -1) { config.container_host_constraints.splice(i, i + 1); } }); }); for (let i = 0; i < config.container_host_constraints.length; i++) { for (const key in config.container_host_constraints[i]) { if (container.length > 0) { const analyze = config.container_host_constraints[i][key].split(','); if (container.indexOf(analyze[0]) > -1) { config.container_host_constraints.splice(i, i + 1); } } } } } superagent .post(`${scheme}${server}:${server_port}/updateconfig`) .send({ token: token, payload: JSON.stringify(config) }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { res.end(error); } else { res.end('\nRemoved Container ' + container + ' from the configuration.'); } }); } }); app.get('/addcontainer', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; let { host } = req.query; const { container } = req.query; const { container_args } = req.query; const { heartbeat_args } = req.query; const { failover_constraints } = req.query; if (host.indexOf('*') > -1) { const min = 0; const max = total_nodes - 1; const number = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; host = config.layout[number].node; } if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { // Ensures that the host exists let proceed = 0; for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { if (config.layout[i].node.indexOf(host) > -1) { proceed++; } } if (proceed < 1) { res.end('\nError: Node does not exist!'); } else { // Add Data to New Host for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { if (config.layout[i].node.indexOf(host) > -1) { config.layout[i][container] = container_args; } } // Adds Heartbeat Data if (config.hb) { if (heartbeat_args) { for (let i = 0; i < config.hb.length; i++) { if (config.hb[i].node.indexOf(host) > -1) { config.hb[i][container] = heartbeat_args; } } } } if (config.container_host_constraints) { if (failover_constraints) { config.container_host_constraints.push({ container: failover_constraints }); } } superagent .post(`${scheme}${server}:${server_port}/updateconfig`) .send({ token: token, payload: JSON.stringify(config) }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { res.end(error); } else { superagent .get(`${scheme}${server}:${server_port}/changehost`) .query({ token: token, container, newhost: host, }) .end((error, response) => { if (!error && response.text) { res.end('\nAdded ' + container + ' to the configuration.'); } else { res.end('\nError connecting with server.'); } }); } }); } } }); function configure_loadbalancer() { let nginx_configuration = 'stream { \n '; Object.keys(config.loadbalancer).forEach((get_node, i) => { Object.keys(config.loadbalancer[i]).forEach(key => { const parse_data = config.loadbalancer[i][key].split(','); const container_name = parse_data[0]; const container_port = parse_data[parse_data.length - 2]; const service_port = parse_data[parse_data.length - 1]; const lb_hosts = parse_data.toString().split(','); nginx_configuration += '\n\n upstream ' + container_name + ' {'; for (let i = 1; i < lb_hosts.length - 2; i++) { nginx_configuration += '\nserver ' + lb_hosts[i] + ':' + container_port + ';'; } nginx_configuration += '\n } \n\nserver { \n listen ' + ' ' + service_port + '; \n proxy_pass ' + container_name + ';\n }'; }); }); nginx_configuration += '\n }'; console.log(nginx_configuration); fs.writeFile('picluster.conf', nginx_configuration, err => { if (err) { console.log(err); } else { command = 'docker container stop picluster_lb;docker cp picluster.conf picluster_lb:/etc/nginx/conf.d/;docker container restart picluster_lb '; exec(command, (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (error) { console.log(stderr); } else { console.log(stdout); } }, err => { if (err) { console.error('error:', err); } }); } }); } app.get('/update-container', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; const { container } = req.query; const { container_args } = req.query; const { heartbeat_args } = req.query; const { failover_constraints } = req.query; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token) || container.indexOf('*') > -1) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { if (container_args) { Object.keys(config.layout).forEach((get_node, i) => { Object.keys(config.layout[i]).forEach(key => { if (key.indexOf(container) > -1) { config.layout[i][key] = container_args; } }); }); } if (failover_constraints) { let proceed = 0; Object.keys(config.container_host_constraints).forEach((get_node, i) => { Object.keys(config.container_host_constraints[i]).forEach(key => { const get_container_name = failover_constraints.split(','); const parse_container = get_container_name[0]; if (config.container_host_constraints[i][key].indexOf(parse_container) > -1) { if (failover_constraints.indexOf('none') > -1) { proceed = 0; } else { proceed = 1; config.container_host_constraints[i][key] = failover_constraints; } } }); }); if (proceed === 0) { if (failover_constraints.indexOf('none') > -1) { for (let i = 0; i < config.container_host_constraints.length; i++) { for (const key in config.container_host_constraints[i]) { if (container.length > 0) { const analyze = config.container_host_constraints[i][key].split(','); if (container.indexOf(analyze[0]) > -1) { config.container_host_constraints.splice(i, i + 1); } } } } } else { config.container_host_constraints.push({ container: failover_constraints }); } } } if (heartbeat_args) { let proceed = 0; if (config.hb.length === 0) { for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { config.hb.push({ node: config.layout[i].node }); } } Object.keys(config.hb).forEach((get_node, i) => { Object.keys(config.hb[i]).forEach(key => { if (key.indexOf(container) > -1) { if (heartbeat_args.indexOf('delete') > -1) { delete config.hb[i][key]; proceed = 1; } else { config.hb[i][key] = heartbeat_args; proceed = 1; } } }); }); if (proceed === 0) { let node = ''; Object.keys(config.layout).forEach((get_node, i) => { Object.keys(config.layout[i]).forEach(key => { if (key.indexOf(container) > -1) { node = config.layout[i].node; } }); }); for (let i = 0; i < config.hb.length; i++) { if (config.hb[i].node.indexOf(node) > -1 && heartbeat_args.indexOf('delete') === -1) { config.hb[i][container] = heartbeat_args; } } } } superagent .post(`${scheme}${server}:${server_port}/updateconfig`) .send({ token: token, payload: JSON.stringify(config) }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { res.end(error); } else { res.end('\nModified Container Arguments for ' + container); } }); } }); app.get('/lb', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; const { container } = req.query; const { container_port } = req.query; const { service_port } = req.query; const { lb_hosts } = req.query; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token) || container.indexOf('*') > -1) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { if (lb_hosts) { let proceed = 0; Object.keys(config.loadbalancer).forEach((get_node, i) => { Object.keys(config.loadbalancer[i]).forEach(key => { const get_container_name = lb_hosts.split(','); const parse_container = get_container_name[0]; if (config.loadbalancer[i][key].indexOf(parse_container) > -1) { if (lb_hosts.indexOf('none') > -1) { proceed = 0; } else { proceed = 1; config.loadbalancer[i][key] = lb_hosts + ',' + container_port + ',' + service_port; } } }); }); if (proceed === 0) { if (lb_hosts.indexOf('none') > -1) { for (let i = 0; i < config.loadbalancer.length; i++) { for (const key in config.loadbalancer[i]) { if (container.length > 0) { const analyze = config.loadbalancer[i][key].split(','); if (container.indexOf(analyze[0]) > -1) { config.loadbalancer.splice(i, i + 1); } } } } } else { config.loadbalancer.push({ container: lb_hosts + ',' + container_port + ',' + service_port }); } } configure_loadbalancer(); } superagent .post(`${scheme}${server}:${server_port}/updateconfig`) .send({ token: token, payload: JSON.stringify(config) }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { res.end(error); } else { res.end('\nModified Container Arguments for ' + container); } }); } }); app.get('/changehost', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; let container = ''; let original_host = ''; let original_container_data = ''; let original_heartbeat_data = ''; const new_host = req.query.newhost; if (req.query.container) { container = req.query.container; } if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { // Ensures that the host exists let proceed = 0; for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { for (const key in config.layout[i]) { if (container.length > 0) { if (config.layout[i].node.indexOf(new_host) > -1) { proceed++; } if (key.indexOf(container) > -1) { if (key.indexOf(config.layout[i].node)) { proceed++; } } } } } // Find Current Host if (proceed < 2) { res.end('\nError: Node or Container does not exist!'); } else { for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { for (const key in config.layout[i]) { if (container.length > 0) { if (key.indexOf(container) > -1) { original_host = config.layout[i].node; original_container_data = config.layout[i][key]; delete config.layout[i][key]; } } } } // Checks for HB if (config.hb) { for (let i = 0; i < config.hb.length; i++) { for (const key in config.hb[i]) { if (container.length > 0) { if (key.indexOf(container) > -1) { original_heartbeat_data = config.hb[i][key]; delete config.hb[i][key]; } } } } } for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { if (config.layout[i].node.indexOf(new_host) > -1) { config.layout[i][container] = original_container_data; } } // Adds Heartbeat Data if (config.hb) { if (original_heartbeat_data) { for (let i = 0; i < config.hb.length; i++) { if (config.hb[i].node.indexOf(new_host) > -1) { config.hb[i][container] = original_heartbeat_data; } } } } superagent .post(`${scheme}${server}:${server_port}/updateconfig`) .send({ token: token, payload: JSON.stringify(config) }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { res.end(error); } else { migrate(container, original_host, new_host, original_container_data); res.end('\nMigration may take awhile. Please observe the logs and running containers for the latest information.'); } }); } } }); function delete_function(name, node) { superagent .post(scheme + node + ':' + agent_port + '/run') .send({ token: token, command: 'docker container rm -f ' + name }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { console.log('\n' + error); } }); }'/listcontainers', (req, res) => { let { node } = req.body; const check_token = req.body.token; const output = []; let container; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { for (const key in config.layout[i]) { if (config.layout[i].hasOwnProperty(key)) { container = key; node = config.layout[i].node; const check_port = config.layout[i][key]; if (check_port !== node) { output.push(container); } } } } res.send(output); } });'/listnodes', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.body.token; const output = []; let node; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { for (const key in config.layout[i]) { if (config.layout[i].hasOwnProperty(key)) { node = config.layout[i].node; const port_check = config.layout[i][key]; if (port_check === node) { output.push(node); } } } } res.send(output); } }); function copyToAgents(data, file, config_file, temp_file) { Object.keys(config.layout).forEach((get_node, i) => { const { node } = config.layout[i]; const formData = { name: file, token, config_file: config_file, data: data }; setTimeout(() => { superagent .post(`${scheme}${node}:${agent_port}/receive-file`) .send(formData) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { try { if (!config_file) { addLog('\nCopied ' + file + ' to ' + node); console.log('\nCopied ' + file + ' to ' + node); } } catch (error) { console.log('\nResponse= ' + response); console.log('\n' + formData); console.log('\nError sending file to agent: ' + error); } }); }, 3000); }); if (temp_file) { fs.unlink(temp_file, error => { if (error) { console.log(error); } }); } }'/receive-file', upload.single('file'), (req, res) => { const check_token = req.body.formData.token; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { copyToAgents(req.body, req.body.formData.original_name, '', req.body.formData.file.path); res.end(''); } });'/listcommands', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.body.token; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else if (config.commandlist) { res.end(JSON.stringify(config.commandlist)); } else { res.end(''); } }); function swarm_remove() { for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { const { node } = config.layout[i]; superagent .post(`${scheme}${node}:${agent_port}/run`) .send({ token: token, command: 'docker swarm leave --force' }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { console.log('An error has occurred.'); } else { const results = JSON.parse(response.text); addLog('\nNode:' + results.node + '\n' + results.output); } }); } } function swarm_nodes(swarm_token, host) { for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { const { node } = config.layout[i]; if (host.indexOf(node) > -1) { console.log('\n' + node + ' is already set as the master.'); } else { superagent // .post(`${scheme}${server}:${server_port}/updateconfig` .post(`${scheme}${node}:${agent_port}/run`) .send({ token: token, command: 'docker swarm join --token ' + swarm_token + ' ' + host }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { console.log('An error has occurred.'); } else { const results = JSON.parse(response.text); console.log(results); addLog('\nNode:' + results.node + '\n' + results.output); } }); } } }'/swarm-create', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.body.token; const { host } = req.body; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { const { node } = config.layout[i]; if (host.indexOf(node) > -1) { superagent .post(`${scheme}${node}:${agent_port}/run`) .send({ token: token, command: 'docker swarm init' }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { res.end('An error has occurred.'); } else { const results = JSON.parse(response.text); const get_output = results.output.toString(); if (get_output.indexOf('SWMTKN') > -1 || config.swarm_token) { if (!config.swarm_token) { const get_swarm_token_line = get_output.split('--token'); const get_swarm_token = get_swarm_token_line[1].split(' '); config.swarm_token = get_swarm_token[1]; superagent .post(`${scheme}${server}:${server_port}/updateconfig`) .send({ token: token, payload: JSON.stringify(config) }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { res.end('An error occurred: ' + error); } else { bootstrap.status = 1; console.log('\nAdded Swarm Token to config file.'); } }); } swarm_nodes(config.swarm_token, host); } else { res.end('Error creating Swarm.' + results.output); } } }); } } res.end('Swarm Operation Complete'); } });'/swarm-network-create', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.body.token; const { host } = req.body; const { network } = req.body; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { const { node } = config.layout[i]; if (host.indexOf(node) > -1) { superagent .post(`${scheme}${node}:${agent_port}/run`) .send({ token: token, command: 'docker network create -d overlay --attachable ' + network }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { res.end('An error has occurred.'); } else { const results = JSON.parse(response.text); res.end(results.output); } }); } } res.end(''); } });'/swarm-remove', (req, res) => { if (config.swarm_token) { delete config.swarm_token; superagent .post(`${scheme}${server}:${server_port}/updateconfig`) .send({ token: token, payload: JSON.stringify(config) }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { console.log('An error occurred: ' + error); } else { bootstrap.status = 1; console.log('\nRemoved Swarm Token from config file.'); } }); } const check_token = req.body.token; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { swarm_remove(); res.end('\nRemoved Swarm Token from config file.'); } });'/exec', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.body.token; let selected_node = ''; let command_log = ''; const url = []; if (req.body.node) { selected_node = req.body.node; } if (selected_node.indexOf('*') > -1) { selected_node = ''; } if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { const { node } = config.layout[i]; const make_url = `${scheme}${node}:${agent_port}/run`; if (selected_node.length > -1 && selected_node.indexOf(node) > -1) { url.push(make_url); } if (selected_node.length === 0) { url.push(make_url); } } async.eachSeries(url, (url, cb) => { superagent .post(url) .send({ token: token, command: req.body.command }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { try { if ((response && response.text)) { const data = JSON.parse(response.text); command_log += 'Node: ' + data.node + '\n\n' + data.output + '\n\n'; } cb(error); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } }); }, err => { if (err) { console.log('\nError: ' + err); } res.end(command_log); }); } });'/syslog', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.body.token; let complete_syslog = ''; const url = []; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { const { node } = config.layout[i]; make_url = `${scheme}${node}:${agent_port}/run`; url.push(make_url); } async.eachSeries(url, (url, cb) => { superagent .post(url) .send({ token: token, command: config.syslog }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { try { const data = JSON.parse(response.text); complete_syslog += 'Node: ' + data.node + '\n\n' + data.output + '\n\n'; cb(error); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } }); }, err => { if (err) { console.log('\nError: ' + err); } res.end(complete_syslog); }); } });'/prune', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.body.token; const url = []; let command_log = ''; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { for (let i = 0; i < config.layout.length; i++) { const { node } = config.layout[i]; const make_url = `${scheme}${node}:${agent_port}/run`; url.push(make_url); } async.eachSeries(url, (url, cb) => { superagent .post(url) .send({ token: token, command: 'docker system prune -a -f' }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { try { const data = JSON.parse(response.text); command_log += 'Node: ' + data.node + '\n\n' + data.output + '\n\n'; cb(error); } catch (error) { console.log(error); } }); }, err => { if (err) { console.log('\nError: ' + err); } res.end(command_log); }); } }); function move_container(container, newhost) { console.log('\nMigrating container ' + container + ' to ' + newhost + '......'); addLog('\nMigrating container ' + container + ' to ' + newhost + '......'); superagent .get(`${scheme}${server}:${server_port}/changehost`) .query({ token: token, container, newhost }) .end((error, response) => { if (error) { console.log('Error connecting with server. ' + error); } else { config.automatic_heartbeat = 'enabled'; } }); } function container_failover(container) { let container_fail_counter = 0; let proceed = ''; for (const key in container_faillog) { if (log.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (container_faillog[key].indexOf(container) > -1) { container_fail_counter++; } } } if (container_fail_counter >= 3) { for (const bkey in container_faillog) { if (container_faillog[bkey].indexOf(container) > -1) { delete container_faillog[bkey]; proceed = 1; } } if (proceed) { for (const key in config.container_host_constraints) { if (config.container_host_constraints.hasOwnProperty(key)) { const analyze = config.container_host_constraints[key].container.split(','); if (container.indexOf(analyze[0]) > -1) { analyze.splice(0, 1); const newhost = analyze[Math.floor(Math.random() * analyze.length)]; move_container(container, newhost); config.automatic_heartbeat = 'disabled'; } } } } } } function hb_check(node, container_port, container) { if (config.automatic_heartbeat.indexOf('enabled') > -1) { const client = config.ssl ? new tls.TLSSocket() : new net.Socket(); client.connect(container_port, node, container, () => {}); client.on('end', () => { addLog('\nA Heart Beat Check Just Ran.'); }); client.on('error', () => { addLog('\n' + container + ' failed on: ' + node); console.log('\n' + container + ' failed on: ' + node); if (config.container_host_constraints) { container_faillog.push(container); container_failover(container); } superagent .post(`${scheme}${node}:${agent_port}/run`) .send({ token: token, command: 'docker restart ' + container }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { console.log(error); } }); }); } } app.get('/hb', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { let node = ''; let check_port = ''; let container = ''; for (let i = 0; i < config.hb.length; i++) { for (const key in config.hb[i]) { if (config.hb[i].hasOwnProperty(key)) { container = key; node = config.hb[i].node; check_port = config.hb[i][key]; if (check_port !== node) { hb_check(node, check_port, container); } } } } res.end(''); } }); app.get('/log', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { res.send(log); } }); app.get('/rsyslog', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { superagent .get(`${scheme}${rsyslog_host}:${agent_port}/rsyslog`) .query({ token: token }) .end((error, response) => { if (!error && response.text) { res.end(response.text); } else { res.end('Error connecting with server. ' + error); } }); } }); function reloadConfig() { if (process.env.PICLUSTER_CONFIG) { config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(process.env.PICLUSTER_CONFIG, 'utf8')); } else { config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('../config.json', 'utf8')); } token = config.token; dockerFolder = config.docker; rsyslog_host = config.rsyslog_host; if (config.heartbeat_interval && config.automatic_heartbeat) { if (config.automatic_heartbeat.indexOf('enabled') > -1) { console.log('\nEnabing Heartbeat.'); automatic_heartbeat(); } } addLog('\nReloading Config.json\n'); } app.get('/getconfig', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { res.send(config); } }); app.get('/gethosts', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.query.token; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { let hosts = fs.readFileSync('/etc/hosts', 'utf8'); res.send(hosts); } });'/elasticsearch', (req, res) => { const check_token = req.body.token; const elasticsearch = req.body.elasticsearch_url; const { mode } = req.body; if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { if (mode === 'add') { if (config.elasticsearch) { console.log('\nError, Elasticsearch is already configured.'); } else { config.elasticsearch = elasticsearch; console.log('\nAdded Elasticsearch configuration for: ' + elasticsearch); } } if (mode === 'kibana') { if (config.kibana) { console.log('\nError, Kibana is already configured.'); } else { config.kibana = elasticsearch; console.log('\nAdded Kibana configuration for: ' + elasticsearch); } } if (mode === 'delete') { if (config.kibana) { console.log('\nDeleted Kibana configuration.'); delete config.kibana; } if (config.elasticsearch) { delete config.elasticsearch; console.log('\nDeleted Elasticsearch configuration.'); } } superagent .post(`${scheme}${server}:${server_port}/updateconfig`) .send({ token: token, payload: JSON.stringify(config) }) .set('accept', 'json') .end((error, response) => { if (error) { res.end('An error occurred: ' + error); } else { res.end(); console.log('\nUpdated Elasticsearch configuration.'); } }); } });'/updatehosts', (req, res) => { let { payload } = req.body; const check_token = req.body.token; try { if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { setTimeout(() => { // fs.writeFile(config_file, payload, err => { // if (err) { // console.log('\nError while writing config.' + err); // } else { copyToAgents(payload, '/etc/hosts', '', ''); // reloadConfig(); res.end('Updated Hosts.'); // } // }); }, 3000); } } catch (error) { res.end('Error: Invalid JSON. Configuration not saved.'); } });'/updateconfig', (req, res) => { let { payload } = req.body; const check_token = req.body.token; try { const verify_payload = JSON.parse(req.body.payload); if ((check_token !== token) || (!check_token)) { res.end('\nError: Invalid Credentials'); } else { payload = JSON.stringify(verify_payload, null, 4); setTimeout(() => { fs.writeFile(config_file, payload, err => { if (err) { console.log('\nError while writing config.' + err); } else { copyToAgents(payload, config_file, 'config', ''); reloadConfig(); res.end('Updated Configuration.'); } }); }, 3000); } } catch (error) { res.end('Error: Invalid JSON. Configuration not saved.'); } }); if (config.ssl && config.ssl_cert && config.ssl_key) { console.log('SSL Server API enabled'); const ssl_options = { cert: fs.readFileSync(config.ssl_cert), key: fs.readFileSync(config.ssl_key) }; const server = https.createServer(ssl_options, app); server.listen(server_port, () => { console.log('Listening on port %d', server_port); }); } else { console.log('Non-SSL Server API enabled'); const server = http.createServer(app); server.listen(server_port, () => { console.log('Listening on port %d', server_port); }); }