# Version 3.0.11 ## New Features: * Manage Containers: Has a new option called "Commit Image" that allows you to update a Docker image with the current running image. * Operations: Has a new option called "Edit Hosts" which will let you modify /etc/hosts on the server and then it will be copied to each node. ## Enhancements: * Added PiCluster version to /nodes API * Webconsole: Displays version number from server * Webconsole: Removed depcreciated BodyParser constructor * Webconsole: Image list shows size and created time. * ElasticSearch: Support for SSL/TLS ## Removed or Deprecated: * None ## Bug Fixes: * Docker Swarm fix for adding nodes to existing cluster * Heatbeat - Was incorrectly sending restart requests to the Server instead of Agent * Node List - Fix for displaying the Ubuntu Logo * Docker-compose files functional, moved away from Alpine Linux * Updated Github Link to git.rage.lol on blank.html * Server no longer hangs when running a command when a node is offline