1 Automatic Container failover to other hosts
verita84 edited this page 2020-12-18 15:34:02 +00:00

This feature will automatically migrate a container to another host after three failed heartbeat attempts. It is recommended to use a Git repository for your Dockerfile's to easily build and move containers across nodes. For applications require data persistence using Docker volumes, it is best to use a distributed filesytem like GlusterFS or NFS so the container will have access to it's data on any host.

Overview of the process

When container_host_constraints is enabled in config.json, each failed heartbeat attempt to a container is logged. When three failed heartbeat attempts occur, the following action is taken:

  • A new host is chosen randomly from the container map that you designated in container_host_constraints.
  • The container is deleted on it's current host.
  • The configuration file is updated with the new host layout.
  • The container image is built and run on the new host.


Heartbeat configured in config.json (automatic_heartbeat,heartbeat_interval, and container added to heartbeat section) container_host_constraints enabled in config.json

"container_host_constraints": [],

How to assign container_host_constraints to a container and hosts?

  • Manually in config.json
  • Once container_host_constraints is enabled in config.json, you can add the hosts when you choose Add Container in the web console.

Sample configuration and Testing

The following config.json is a minimal configuration needed to try this out on your laptop. It consists of two nodes (localhost and that will run Minio in a container. Currently, Minio is only on the node called localhost.

  "token": "1234567890ABCDEFGHJKLMNOP",
  "docker": "../docker",
  "server_port": "3000",
  "agent_port": "3001",
  "layout": [{
      "node": "localhost",
      "minio": "-p 9000:9000"
      "node": ""
  "hb": [{
      "node": "localhost",
      "minio": "9000"
      "node": ""
  "container_host_constraints": [
      "container": "minio,localhost,"
  "automatic_heartbeat": "enabled",
  "heartbeat_interval": "300000",
  "web_username": "admin",
  "web_password": "admin",
  "web_connect": "",
  "web_port": "3003"

Based on the sample above, PiCluster will check if Minio is running every 30 seconds. Since Minio is not created yet, the failover event should start after about 90 seconds.