2025-03-23 14:56:07 -05:00

128 lines
5.2 KiB

type: weekly
layout: weekly
date: "2025-03-23T14:41:11-05:00"
issuenumber: 232
title: "Issue 232: March 16 - 23, 2025"
### Table of Contents:
- [Recent News](#news)
- [Upcoming Events](#events)
- [CCS Proposals](#proposals)
- [Price & Blockchain Stats](#stats)
- [Volunteer Opportunities](#volunteer)
- [Support](#support)
### Recent News {#news}
{{% newsbyte %}}
XMR Remote Nodes [v0.2.1](https://github.com/ditatompel/xmr-remote-nodes/releases/tag/v0.2.1): a tool that helps you monitor your favourite Monero remote nodes by ditatompel. [xmr.ditatompel](https://xmr.ditatompel.com/).
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{{% newsbyte %}}
ANON Wallet v1.0 [Alpha]. Downloads: [.onion](http://anonero5wmhraxqsvzq2ncgptq6gq45qoto6fnkfwughfl4gbt44swad.onion/#download); Tor-only F-Droid [repository](http://anonero5wmhraxqsvzq2ncgptq6gq45qoto6fnkfwughfl4gbt44swad.onion/fdroid/repo/). [Changelog](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/447#note_29268).
{{% /newsbyte %}}
{{% newsbyte %}}
New open source* cryptocurrency swapping service, *CypherGoat* by 4rkal. *Note*: Only the CLI [tool](https://github.com/CypherGoat/cli) is open source, web repository is empty for now. [Website](https://cyphergoat.com/).
{{% /newsbyte %}}
{{% newsbyte %}}
Monero Talk had Derrick Broze on to talk about his crowd-funded 17-part documentary series, *The Pyramid of Power*. They go over it was originally planned as a 2.5 hours long presentation in 2018 that has grown to its current length. Gain more insight into this dissection of the parts of the pyramid that aim to rule over and manipulate our lives! Peep it: [Video](https://iv.0x7c0.com/watch?v=tGRv4ZLSbHs); [Audio](https://www.monerotalk.live/monerotalk-344). Kuno [fundraiser](https://kuno.anne.media/fundraiser/hqlc/).
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### Upcoming Events {#events}
{{% event "March 24, 2025 (Monday) - 18:00 UTC" %}}
Monero Tech Meeting - [#no-wallet-left-behind](irc://irc.libera.chat/#no-wallet-left-behind) IRC channel; Matrix [room](https://matrix.to/#/#no-wallet-left-behind:monero.social).
{{% /event %}}
{{% event "March 25, 2025 (Tuesday) - 18:00 UTC" %}}
Cuprate Workgroup Meeting - [#cuprate](irc://irc.libera.chat/#cuprate) IRC channel; Matrix [room](https://matrix.to/#/#cuprate:monero.social).
{{% /event %}}
{{% event "March 26, 2025 (Wednesday) - 18:00 UTC" %}}
Research Lab Meeting - [#monero-research-lab](irc://irc.libera.chat/#monero-research-lab) IRC channel; Matrix [room](https://matrix.to/#/#monero-research-lab:monero.social).
{{% /event %}}
{{% event "March 29, 2025 (Saturday) - 17:00 UTC" %}}
MoneroKon 5 Meeting - [#monerokon](irc://irc.libera.chat/#monerokon) IRC channel; Matrix [room](https://matrix.to/#/#monerokon:matrix.org).
{{% /event %}}
### CCS Proposal Ideas {#proposals}
{{% ccs_item link="https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/559" author="rottenwheel" %}}
Revuo Monero Maintenance (2025 Q2)
{{% /ccs_item %}}
{{% ccs_item link="https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/557" author="acx" %}}
Monfluo maintenance and further development (3 months)
{{% /ccs_item %}}
{{% ccs_item link="https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/538" author="napoly" last=1 %}}
Btcpayserver plugin
{{% /ccs_item %}}
### CCS Proposals Need Funding
{{% ccs_item link="https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/selsta-16p.html" author="selsta" goal=104.1 raised=93.21 %}}
part-time monero development (3 months) (16)
{{% /ccs_item %}}
{{% ccs_item link="https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/syntheticbird_cuprate_arti_2_months.html" author="SyntheticBird" goal=52.5 raised=49.7 %}}
Cuprate Arti integration and development (2 months)
{{% /ccs_item %}}
{{% ccs_item link="https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/plowsof_6_ccs_coordinator.html" author="plowsof" goal=72.6 raised=0.15 %}}
CCS Coordinator
{{% /ccs_item %}}
### Price & Blockchain Stats {#stats}
###### Blockchain Stats
{{< bc_stats
hashrate="4.28 GH/s"
date="March 23, 2025"
###### XMR Blocks Distribution in last 1000 blocks
![Hashrate Pool Distribution Pie Chart](./hash.png)
###### Price & Performance
{{< price_performance
date="March 23, 2025"
###### XMR Price Graph
![XMR Price Graph](./price.png)
Sources: [miningpoolstats.stream](https://miningpoolstats.stream/monero); [bitinfocharts.com](https://bitinfocharts.com/monero/); [coingecko.com](https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/monero); [localmonero.co blocks](https://localmonero.co/blocks); [haveno.markets](https://haveno.markets/).
{{< volunteer >}}
{{% volunteer_item title="Test Monero Core Software" link="https://github.com/monero-project/monero" %}}
Anyone with moderate technical ability is encouraged to try to build and run Monero nightlies. Do not trust it with your Monero, but feel free to open an Issue on GitHub as problems arise. Instructions to build on your OS of choice can be found [here](https://github.com/monero-project/monero#compiling-monero-from-source).
{{% /volunteer_item %}}
{{< /volunteer >}}
{{< support />}}